This repository contains demo projects for those who are interested in getting started with FPGA development.
The EP4CE6E22C8N FPGA board is a major requirement for running and testing the projects in this repository.
All the projects in this repository strictly follow the Synchronous Design Methodology and are written in VHDL.
Source: Vendor's Page
- AM2302 DHT22 sensor: The module with a red PCB
- HC-SR04 sensor
- ILI9341 module: 2.4 inch, 240x320 TFT display with touch
- 16x2 LCD module: green or blue but without I2C interface
- HX1838 Infrared remote
- HC-05 or HC-06 Bluetooth module
- VGA monitor and cable
- PS/2 keyboard
- STM32 Blue Pill board or any MCU with UART, SPI, and USB peripherals
- CH340 USB-TTL converter
Here's a list of components that I used for additional verification of my RTL designs beyond testbenches.
- Saleae 24MHz, 8 Channel USB logic analyzer
- Zeeweii DSO3D12 oscilloscope + multimeter + signal generator (3 in 1)
- DSO150 handheld oscilloscope
- Intel Quartus (Quartus Prime 20.1)
- ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vsim 2020.1 (Quartus Prime 20.1)
- STM32CubeIDE (if you have an STM32 microcontroller)
- Python (v3.7 upwards)
- RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL - Pong P. Chu
- FPGA Prototyping By VHDL Examples (Xilinx Spartan-3 Version) - Pong P. Chu
- Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL, 2nd edition - Volnei A. Pedroni
- VHDLwhiz
- Nandland
- Intel Quartus Prime User Guide: Design Recommendations
- Jvitkauskas' Repository
- Cyclone IV FPGA Board Schematic
- Expansion Board Schematic
- Vendor's Page