Pixorio is a pixel art editor writen in compose multiplatform
- Better zoom bounds strategy for field
- Layers
- Brush settings
- Current redraw triggering in compose is horrible. Try to come up with better solution
- Localization
- Interface modularity
- plugins support
- Themes
- Settings window
- Pointer press force handling
- Editing of copy palette
- Control placement of copied structures (rotation mirroring)
- Place copied structures even if they are partly out of canvas
- Change created canvas size in pixels
- Support animation and atlas creation
- Show currently pointing coordinates
- Create issue in compose multiplatform repo about laggy behavior on monitors with free-sync
- Setup mirror line
- Project
- Export existing image in project or make project based on existing image
- Autosaving
- Procedural generation with some scripting language and maybe nodes
- Version control