My personal boilerplate for starting a node js api using Express and MongoDB.
This project was put together and inspired by:
- Express generator - main template skeleton
- Testing Javascript with Kent C. Dodds - eslint, prettier, and testing config
- express-boilerplate by imbudhiraja - folder structure
- My own experience and personal preference
- Linting with eslint
- Logging with morgan
- ES6+ transpile with babel
- Mongoose & MongoDB
- SSL certification setup
- Full CPU usage configured for production
- Uses helmet to set some HTTP headers for security
- Load environment variables from .env files with dotenv
- Gzip compression with compression
- Git hooks with husky
- Documentation
- Testing (Future)
These instruction will get this boilerplate running on your local machine
1 - Clone the project into a local repository:
git clone
2 - Install all dependencies
npm install
3 - Setup environment variables
To setup environment variables create a .env
file in the root directory of the project.
Check the ./server/config.js
file for the main variables to be configured.
At the moment they are:
Note these are the minimum variables necessary to start the server. Check ./server/config.js
for additional one.
4 - Run development environment
npm run dev
To run the server with automatic restart
npm run watch:dev
5- Run production environment
npm start
When you run this command babel will transpile the code into dist-server
This api can be documented with potman documentation.
An example of that can be seen in the following link: