A template to make Concrete CMS run on Lagoon.
This template includes everything you need to get started with Concrete CMS to run on Lagoon.
This template includes the following services:
- Concrete CMS 9.3
- PHP 8.3 (FPM)
- Nginx
- MariaDB 10.11
You can change the following values to fit your project:
file. This value is used for container namesproject
value in.lagoon.yml
value indocker-compose.yml
- Language code to install translations in
file. Default isja_JP
pygmy is required to run this project locally. You can install it using the following command:
brew tap pygmystack/pygmy && brew install pygmy
After installing pygmy, you can start your local environment using the following command:
pygmy up
If you doesn't have the default ssh key (~/.ssh/id_rsa), you can specify the key file using the following command:
pygmy up --key /Users/your_name/.ssh/custom_key
After starting the pygmy, you need to start the docker containers using the following command:
docker compose up -d
If you want to check the status of the local environment, you can use the following command:
pygmy status
If you want to stop the local environment but do not want to remove it, you can use the following command:
pygmy stop
If you want to stop and remove the local environment, you can use the following command:
pygmy clean
To rebuild the local environment, you can use the following command:
docker compose down
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
First, access the cli container using the following command:
docker compose exec cli bash
Then, install Concrete CMS using the following command:
./vendor/bin/concrete c5:install -i --env=install
You can use the following information to use in the installation on the local environment:
Database | Value |
Database Server | mariadb |
Database Name | lagoon |
Database User | lagoon |
Database Password | lagoon |
See MariaDB - Environment Variables
First, access the cli container using the following command:
lagoon ssh -i <your_key> -p <project_name> -e <environment>
Then, get the database information using the following command:
env | grep MARIADB
Now you can install Concrete CMS using the following command:
./vendor/bin/concrete c5:install -i --env=install
After installing Concrete CMS, you must generate the proxy classes on the nginx/php container. You can access the nginx/php container with -s and -c options.
lagoon ssh -i <your_key> -p <project_name> -e <environment> -s=nginx -c=php
Then, you can generate the proxy classes using the following command:
./vendor/bin/concrete orm:generate-proxies
After upgrading Concrete or applying any database schema changes, you must commit the changes of the doctrine proxy classes.