DISCLAIMER: This repository is currently under development and subject to significant changes until an official release.
Create dedicated virtual environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate corel-env
git clone poli && cd ./poli/
pip install -e .
To replicate the RFP results run
python experiments/run_cold_warm_start_experiments_rfp_bo.py
The original RFP dataset was used as listed in LaMBO reference work. Known sequence structures were extracted and aligned with clustalo binaries (see Clustal Omega v. 1.2.4 64-bit Linux binary) -> MSA. The aligned MSA was used with HMMER to build a sequence alignment for VAE training using the MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit (see Zimmermann et al.).:
- Reference hmmsearch against alphafold_uniprot50DB (default).
- E-value cutoff set to 1 to obtain also distant alignments.
- columns were filtered gap 20%
See Dataset readme for details and citations.
Contained within the poli package, references provided there.