An arduino based midi controller for hundreds of potentiometers.
Copyright - 2019, Madison Parker-Durost
This project serves to allow many potentiometers and/or other measurement devices to be connected in large numbers to an arduino and exported in the form of midi over usb. This is accomplished by a form of analog multiplexing coupled with a means of sending midi control actions that are readable on a standard windows computer. Currently the Arduino MIDI Library is being used for that function.
See wiki:
Code should be loaded onto the arduino and connected via usb to a windows(temporarily required) computer.
Arduino Mega/Uno (16/8 analog pins)
Potentiometers (10k)
Arduino MIDI Library:
This software is licensed under the gpl v3. A copy of the relevant license may be found in the top level directory of this git repository along with this README. A web version can currently be found at