An ES6-ready boilerplate for building Backbone/Marionette apps using Gulp.
$ npm install --global gulp
$ npm install
Start a local dev environment:
$ gulp
Generate a production build:
$ gulp production
Download [settings.json](link to settings.json file goes here) and place in root directory.
The following command will deploy to AWS S3:
$ gulp deploy --[env]
This boilerplate assumes you've created a settings.json
file in the project root. This file should be (git)ignored as it contains sensitive information, i.e. AWS keys, etc. When deployment is finished, a Slack hook will be triggered in a channel of your choice. If you haven't heard of Slack, close Skype immediately and read about it.
One of these arguments is required to successfully deploy files to S3, i.e gulp deploy --staging
"default": {
"aws": {
"accessKeyId": "xxx",
"secretAccessKey": "xxx",
"basePath": "xxx",
"bucket": "madeinhaus"
"slack": {
"hook_url": "",
"username": "Arnold Scavonegger",
"message": "New build up on: "
Individual envs can have their own settings by adding a corresponding 'env': {...}
to the settings file, only those settings which are different from default need to be set.