This Python script allows you to encrypt and decrypt files using the AES encryption algorithm. The code utilizes the pycryptodome library to implement AES encryption.
python3 -r requirement.txt
To encrypt a file or a folder, run the '' script. You will have the option to specify the path of the file/folder to encrypt or to use the default folder "AES-EF". The decryption key will be automatically generated in the "AES-C" file each time the script is used.
To decrypt an encrypted file, run the "" script. You can choose to use the key stored in "AES-C" or specify a location for the decryption key. The decrypted files will be placed in the "AES-DF" folder.
- AES encryption script.
- AES decryption script.
- AES-C: Fichier contenant la clé de déchiffrement générée automatiquement.
- KEY/AES-EF.KEY: File containing the automatically generated decryption key.
- AES-DF: Default folder for encrypting files.
- AES-DF: Folder where decrypted files are stored.
Make sure to securely keep the decryption key ("AES-C" file) as it is required to decrypt the files.