Releases: Mahtimursut/ohtu
Third release of our software for reference bookkeeping.
You can download the jar file and start it with java -jar filename.jar
References consisting of Scandic letters can now be entered. Browsing the references in a concise manner and removing them is also supported. Also, duplicate reference names are prevented.
Notice that the program was made using java8 and might require you to install java8 jvm.
Second release of our software for reference bookkeeping.
You can download the jar file and start it with java -jar filename.jar
Books, articles and inproceedings can now be generated into proper latex compatible bibtex-files.
There are simple checkers for optional and obligatory fields in each reference type.
Notice that the program was made using java8 and might require you to install java8 jvm.
First release of our software for reference bookkeeping.
You can download the jar file and start it with java -jar filename.jar
In this sprint only basic functionality of adding reference and outputting it to bibtex file was implemented.
Notice that the program was made using java8 and might require you to install java8 jvm.