A python library for the quantification of eels spectra based on a modernised EELSMODEL
EMD Converter is a convenient and lightweight tool to convert the FEI Velox emd files to the common image formats including tiff, jpg, png, and bmp.
A set of python functions to carry out noise filters for high resolution (S)TEM images
A tensor based approach to svd for dimensionality reduction and noise reduction
Singular value thresholding for denoising time-resolved microscopy
Fast multi-threaded hyperspectral total variational denoising
Python code for phase identification and spectrum analysis of energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
Notebooks used during the 2023 Hyperspy Workshop at ePSIC, Diamond Light Source.
An open service to classify diffraction patterns
DIY: Using Python to Process 4D STEM data, code for NUANCE/Gatan virtual workshop on December 9, 2020.
An open-source Python library providing utilities for simulating diffraction
Toolbox for analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns
Sirepo is a framework for scientific cloud computing. Try it out!
An open-source Python library for multi-dimensional diffraction microscopy.