It's an FBIA client in clojure
We now maintain only FB graph API versions as they go deprecated
Building and deploying this is manual
Our Nexus has been introduced in the project.clj file so if you type
lein deploy
it will deploy there
it will ask for passw, introduce the admin user and password you use to browse our nexus jar repo
you have to configure GPG, maybe the latest lein version can use ssh instead
atm it only signs the pom files and its signature with MD5 and SHA1, so the jar file and it's signature have to be checksummed manually in order --- WIP
:dependencies [[fbia-client "0.4.5"]]
This client wraps up a lot of the boilerplate stuff for FBIA into a native clojure library. It is not very exciting, but should be a decent enough starting point for devlopers who are working in this space.
Most functions return core.async channels containing one item. If the result is Throwable
then an error has occurred in the belly of the internet. Otherwise it should contain some data from Facebook about the thig you did.
So creating an FBIA doc and getting the ID of the import would be something like:
(:id (<!! (create-article page-id {:keys [html_source access_token], :as params})))
I will probably never again update this README, so you should poke around on clojars to look for later versions. I put some API docs under to illustrate the layout.
I personally struggled generating the long-lived page token for FBIA publishing. If you also struggle with this, you can call page-token-from-user-token from a repl, assuming you have the requisite app IDs etc.
Copyright © 2016 Frazer Irving
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.