A command line tool for interacting with smart contracts
from inside contracts-cli directory run:
❯ yarn
❯ yarn build
❯ yarn link
to start the cli run contracts-cli
from the command line passing an Ethereum client JSON-RPC URL and a relative path to a folder containing JSON ABI files of contracts you wish to interact with, e.g:
contracts-cli --abi-dir=./abi --rpc-url=https://ropsten.infura.io/FWLG9Y
other optional inputs include:
--config-path=<path to config file, example below>
Here you can set contract addresses you frequently interact with to save entering them in the cli each time, they just need a mapping to the names of your JSON ABI files, e.g:
"contractAddresses": {
"MyTokenContract": {
"testnet": "0xe16f1563984209fe47f8236f8b01a03f03f957e4",
"mainnet": "0xab2c7238198ad8b389666574f2d8bc411a4b7428"
"OtherContract": {
"testnet": "0xcefd4590d131480f100ac58b845314a978b0ec70",
"mainnet": "0xb2d2130530d77418b3e367fe162808887526e74d"
rpcUrl: {
"testnet": "https://ropsten.infura.io/<KEY>",
"mainnet": "https://mainnet.infura.io/<KEY>"
1. Select a wallet provider
- Keystore JSON file
- Private key
- Mnemonic phrase
- Ledger wallet (ensure ledger is unlocked, eth wallet is selected and browser support set to no)
2. Select a contract to interact with
- You can add new contracts by dropping contract abi JSON files into
folder, you can also optionally set addresses for contracts inconfig.json
, if no address is set you will be prompted to provide one on contract selection.
3. Select or set contract address
3. Select contract method
4. Enter arguments and confirm
- when passing uint values, you will have the option for unit conversion, possible units can be found here