Taxonomic analysis for 16s rRna single-end files
$ ./ <path_to_fastQ> <ref_tax_DB>
The following tools are required
- FastQ Screen - Map filtered fastQ files with contaminant non-bacterial reference genomes hg19, mm10 (
- R version 3.6.2 libraries
- DADA2 - Standard pipeline for taxonomy assignment (
- Phyloseq - Taxonomy visualisations (
- R Data management and formatting libraries
- Biostrings
- ggplot2
- ape
- biomformat
- readr
- scales
- rmarkdown
- dplyr
- tibble
- treemap
- highcharter
- kableExtra
- tidyr
- plotly
- heatmaply
- PICRUSt2 - generate functional predictions from amplicon sequences for treemap and pathway analysis (
- The pipeline is currently designed and optimised for IonTorrent single-end data
- Taxonomy libraries that are installed and can currently be used are:
- Silva-v.132
- GreenGenes-v.13_8
- RefSeq-RDP16S_v2_May2018
- Input fastQ file must have the naming format "subsample_sampleName.fastq". The string before the underscore will be used to declare the analysis' sample categories.
- Output is stored in the metagen_report.html file that will be generated nside the analysis' directory
$ ./ /home/user/16_analysis_directory greengenes