A Flutter plugin for Android for reading and writing NFC cards
- Only Mifare Classic
- Only NfcA technology
- Only works with default password
- Requires Android API level 19 or later.
- Add android.permission.NFC to your AndroidManifest.xml.
- Remember that you shouln't write in the sector 0 of any card
- If you write in the 4th block of any sector write down what you write this is the new password for write and read in this sector
- In all cases the password parameter is optional, is only in the case the sector has a custom password
This plugin in based on the original package mifare_nfc_classic of Andres Maldonado (https://github.com/MaldonadoAndres/mifare_nfc_classic/). Sadly my pull request for Null Safety was not not yet integrated, so I published my own branch with a new package name.
Check NFC Availability
// Check availability
AVAILABILITY isAvailable = await NfcClassicMifare.availability;
//NFC is enabled.
//The phone support NFC but user has to enable it.
//The phone doesn't support NFC.
Get Sector or Block Count
int _sectorCount = await NfcClassicMifare.sectorCount;
int _blockCount = await NfcClassicMifare.blockCount;
Read a specific Sector
List<String> _sector = await NfcClassicMifare.readSector(sectorIndex:index,password:password)
Read a specific Block of a specific Sector
String _block = await NfcClassicMifare.readBlock(blockIndex: _blockIndex,password:password);
Read all sectors of a card
Note: This operation take some seconds so leave the card close to the phone like for 2 seconds.
List<List<String>> _card = await NfcClassicMifare.readAll(password:password);
Write a specific Block of a specific Sector
bool didWrite = await NfcClassicMifare.writeBlock(blockIndex: _blockIndex,message: _message,password:password);
didWrite indicates if the operation completed successfully or not.
Change Password of a Sector
await NfcClassicMifare.changePasswordOfSector(sectorIndex: _sectorIndex,newPassword: _newPassword,password:password);
Write Raw Hexadecimal
await NfcClassicMifare.writeRawHexToBlock(blockIndex: _blockIndex,message: rawHex,password:password);