The oob_activity app modifies the original app activity, provided for ownCloud. oob_activity allow to register user activity in syslog. The oob_activity app was only tested in Ubuntu 14.04 and PostgreSQL 9.3.6.
User activity types:
- created self ("You created A.txt").
- created by ("The SomeUser created A.txt").
- created public ("A.txt was created in a public folder").
- changed self ("You changed A.txt").
- changed by ("SomeUser changed A.txt").
- deleted self ("You deleted A.txt").
- deleted_by ("A.txt deleted by SomeUser").
- restored self ("You restored A.txt").
- restored by ("SomeUser restored A.txt").
- shared user self ("You shared A.txt with SomeUser").
- shared group self ("You shared A.txt with SomeGroup").
- shared with by ("SomeUser shared A.txt with you").
- shared link self ("You shared A.txt via link").
v1.3.1 download
- owncloud version: 8.2.3
- Requirements: PostgreSQL
- Notes:
- External database register feature was added again.
- File configuration, which allow activity registry for one or both register types (syslog or/and external database). Se in [owncloud home]/apps/activity/config/config.xml.
- Some debug mode, enabled in [owncloud home]/apps/activity/config/config.xml.
- Is no more required uninstall the default activity app, both can be used.
v1.3 download
- owncloud version: 8.0.5
- Notes:
- syslog register enhanced
- The oob_activity doesn't require the removal of the orginal app Activity. Is possible to use both apps.
- [TODO] Disabled the external database register.
v1.2.1 download
- owncloud version: 7.0.4
- Notes:
- The external storage was configured to use database or syslog (default). The configuration can be done in [owncloud home]/apps/activity/config/config.xml.
v1.2 download
- owncloud version: 7.0.4
- Notes:
- Enhanced the feature for user activity in syslog. This feature can be enable or disable in configuration file ([owncloud home]/apps/activity/config/config.xml).
v1.1 download
- owncloud version: 7.0.4
- Notes:
- Added the configuration file [owncloud home]/apps/activity/config/config.xml.
- Added the feature to register user activity in log files optionally through configuration file.
v1.0 download
- owncloud version: 7.0.4
- Notes:
- First version.
Modify the brackets [ ]
in the examples below.
Backup your ownCloud and database servers.
Get and configure:
- Download and extract the last release.
- Rename the extracted folder to "ooba".
- Move above folder to the ownCloud's app (
). - Grant privilegies to "ooba" folder.
(ex.:chown -R www-data:www-data /[path_to_owncloud]/apps/ooba
). - Allow access to syslog files in owncloud server.
(ex.:sudo chmod +r /var/log/syslog*
- Configure your ownCloud server:
- Login as administrator in your ownCloud server (ex.: http://[localhost]/[owncloud])
- Activate the oob_activity app. (ex.:
Modify the brackets [ ]
in the examples below.
Delete oob_activity folder.
(ex.:rm -rf /var/www/html/[owncloud]/apps/ooba
). -
Delete all oob_activity database configurations: 'ooba' and 'oobactivity' ids rows from oc_appconfig table).
(ex.:sudo -u postgres -H -- psql -d [owncloud database name] -c "delete from oc_appconfig where appid='ooba'"
(ex.:sudo -u postgres -H -- psql -d [owncloud database name] -c "delete from oc_appconfig where appid='oobactivity'"
). -
Delete the oob_activity external database.
(ex.:sudo -u postgres -H -- psql -c "drop database [external database name]"
This development has been funded by FINEP, the Brazilian Innovation Agency.