- Adoledates -> Interactive fiction game - game in Light Novel format made only with vanilla javascript. It's not the greatest game of all time, but the story was pretty cute.
- GameDevs webpage -> Collaborative REACT-TS project consuming GamingDevs API. A range of features included, we tried to make an light alternative to the IMDB site.
- GamingDevs API -> Api using NESTJS and Prisma using TypeScript to persist info about the best games
- Vampire, The Masquerade random sheet generator API -> Api to create stat sheets to Vampire, The Masquerade RPG. This service was created thinking in all narrators around the world that need to make theis own sheet for NPC in campaigns. This API generate a unique sheet that can be used with your friends.
- Vampire, the Masquerade Generator -> Web Page in React-ts persisting with the above API using styled-components, canva and react-router
- MonkeyTech API v2 -> Api in express persisting in mongodb database using Mongose simulating an e-commerce service
- Thoths Tabern -> Finder word game using sequelize and express. Cool to play with friends
- Blue_Pokedex -> A simple EJS project with mocked in array db simulating an pokedex. I've made a cool slider to show the cards π
tomorrow this list can be updated, come here to check