Build a Swing application to manage a kanban board. This application provides the basic functionality for the kanban process.
mvn test
mvn install
mvn exec:java
- Create new kanban boards
- Open board
- Save board
- Save as…
- Export to html
- Export backlog to csv, pdf
- Warn user if modifications have not been saved
- Preferences dialog for colors, name of board, columns, wips
- CoS (Fixed date, standard, intagible, expedite)
- Card properties (uuid, headline, description, size, value, created, started, finished)
- Validate on wip limits
- Move cards between adjacent columns
- Full text search backlog and board by headline, description, CoS, size, value
- Store board as xml
- Tests for all major parts of the application
- Edit dialog for card
- Backlogs displays cards in 3 columns grid
- Backlog can be sorted by creation time (default), headline, value, size