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Dynamax Adventure

Manu edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 18 revisions

Quick Guide for Max Lair Boss Hunting

This bot uses the Always Instant-KO cheat in order to have a better chance of beating all the opponents during the adventure. The cheat is dynamically activated and deactivated by the bot. No cheats are used to generate the Pokémons nor to force specific stats or seeds, the encounters and the Pokémon rewarded are generated naturally within the game. It's up to the user decides whether this is enough in their eyes or not. The Always Instant-KO cheat is taken from this GBATemp thread. Thanks to all the researchers involved.

Game Set Up.

The bot will always use the ball in the first slot that appears in the Dynamax Adventure catch scenario. It's up to the user provide himself a good amount of the wanted ball and to place them in the correct slot.

Go ahead in front of the Lair Lady. PG Location

Bot Setup

First, download the Sys-EncounterBot:

Go in the Hub tab and select MaxLair under SWSH_Encounter.

Click in the MaxLairSettings and set each settings as you desire to. You can edit the Lair Boss on the first path by setting the boss you want to hunt in the EditLairPath box.

Scroll to ConsoleLanguage under FeatureToggle and set it to your language.

Scroll to StopConditions and set them according to what you're looking for.

Please note that Lair Pokémons cannot have Marks nor they can be found Square Shiny.

Go back to the Bots tab, select SWSH_EncounterBot, click Add then Start All.

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