Extends Spree for supporting sofort.com aka sofortueberweisung.de aka Payment Network. An appropriate Merchant Account is required to use it.
See also https://www.sofort.com/integrationCenter-eng-DE/content/view/full/2513
Add spree_sofort to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_sofort', :git => 'git://github.com/hefan/spree_sofort.git'
For a specific version use the appropriate branch, for example
gem 'spree_sofort', :git => 'git://github.com/hefan/spree_sofort.git', :branch => '2-4-stable'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g spree_sofort:install
Navigate to Spree Backend/Configuration/Payment Methods and add a new payment method with Provider "Spree::PaymentMethod::Sofort". Enter the Configuration key from your sofort merchant account.
The default server url should work. You may use a reference prefix and/or suffix if you like to add something before or after the order number used as reference for sofort.
Turn on the test mode in your Sofort merchant backend to do testing.
Sofort does only support Euro currency.
released under the New BSD License