I am a huge HomeLab enthusiast student currently studying to become a network engineer or systems administrator.
You might have seen my username (MapGuy11) pop around various communities as I try to spend my time helping out with different free projects.
- 🔭 I am currently developing workflows and the 24/7 stream for the Maryland-focused weather channel, TMC Weather.
- 🌱 I am currently studying Network & Systems Administration at Pennsylvania College of Technology.
- 📫 You can find me here on GitHub in the various repositories I am a part of. If you have a specific question, please visit my website for my latest contact information. (Please note: any spam or any not legitimate emails will be ignored and destroyed)
- ⚡ Fun fact: Using Public Transit is a challenge in the US, but that is the fun part about it! (Don't we love hourly buses 😢)