8 Ball is a browser game (billiard) developed in JS using HTML5 canvas and Box2D physics engine.
Is a physics engine originally developed in C++ by [erincatto] (https://github.com/erincatto). Visit [Box2D repository] (https://github.com/erincatto/Box2D) for more information. This engine is used in many games, a relevant example is [Angry Birds] (https://www.angrybirds.com/games/angry-birds/). This game (8 Ball) uses a JavaScript porting of Box2D, called [box2dweb] (https://github.com/hecht-software/box2dweb) (release [v2.1a.4] (https://github.com/hecht-software/box2dweb/releases)). You can find other Box2D portings [here] (http://box2d.org/links/).