Releases: MarkusH/flask-pancake
Releases · MarkusH/flask-pancake
Release 0.5.2
- Fixed content negotiation for overview page.
Release 0.5.1
- Fixed a packaging bug that prevented the HTML template for the overview page to be included.
Release 0.5.0
- BREAKING: Added persistence of the status of `Sample`s between requests. With this change, checking for a sample within the same request multiple times will yield the same status each time. And to ensure the same status across requests, the status is stored in a cookie. - Added a JSON API endpoint under ``GET /status`` that exposes which flags, samples, or switches are active for the current user. - Added an HTML and JSON API endpoint under ``GET /overview`` that shows the status of each flag, sample, or switch, including the status of a flag for each group's object. - Added support for class-based group functions, which can also expose a set of "candidate IDs". These candidate IDs are used in the new API overview. - Updated the CLI commands to show the default value when listing flags, samples, or switches. - Added the ``flask pancake flags list-group`` CLI command.
Release 0.4.0
- Added Flask CLI commands to manage flags, samples, and switches. Check out ``flask pancake --help``.
Release 0.3.0
- BREAKING: Added ability for multiple different groups in ``Flag``\s. This provides the ability to e.g. enable a flag for all admins and developers, for while disabling if for everyone else.
Release 0.2.0
- Added support for multiple `FlaskPancake` instances in a single app. To use this, pass an additional `name` argument when creating a `FlaskPancake` instance. - The format for Redis keys for user flags was changed from `FLAG:user:<uid>:<FLAG_NAME_UPPER>` to `FLAG:<FLAG_NAME_UPPER>:user:<uid>`.
Release 0.1.0
Initial Release