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Marsha Gómez edited this page May 31, 2023 · 15 revisions

Exercise 2. Consider the following optimization problem:

$$\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} \mathrm{minimize} & 2x_1^2 +x_1 x_3 +x_2^2 +2x_2 x_3 +3x_3^2 +x_3 x_4 +2x_4^2 -5x_1 -4x_3 +3x_4 \\ x\ \epsilon \ \Re^4 & \\ \end{array}\right.$$

clear global;
close all;

matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState = 1;

2.1 Do global optimal solutions exist? Why?

To determine convexity, we need to examine the Hessian Matrix, the second partial derivates of the objective function with respect to the variables. On the next 1.2 we can check that our Hessian Matrix is strongly convex and we know that in any convex optimization problem the feasible region is a convex set. Using the Theorem weierstrass that says if the objective funciton is continuous and the feasible region is closed and bounded, then at least a global optimum exists. On this problem using Collory 3 were the objective function is continuous and coercive and the feasible region is closed, then at least a global minimum exists. Coercivity is the $\lim_{\left|x\right|\to \infty } f\left(x\right)=+\infty$

% In this case we use 1 variable, because is an approximation calculation
objective_function = @(x) 2*x^2 + x*x + x^2 + 2*x*x + 3*x^2 + x*x + 2*x^2 - 5*x - 4*x + 3*x;
syms x

limit = limit(objective_function(x), x, Inf)


limit = $\infty$

Since the objective function is coercive, there exists a global optimum.

2.2 Is it a convex problem? Why?

We need to analyze the convexity of each term and the objective function as a whole. A function is convex if the Hessian Matrix is positive semi-definite. In this case the objective function is: $$f\left(x\right)\ =\ 2x_1^2 +x_1 x_3 +x_2^2 +2x_2 x_3 +3x_3^2 +x_3 x_4 +2x_4^2 -5x_1 -4x_3 +3x_4$$

To create the Hessian Matrix in a quick form we have: $$\mathrm{General}\ \mathrm{Form}=a_1 x_1^2 +a_2 x_2^2 +a_3 x_3^2 \ \ +a_4 x_4^2 \ \ +a_5 x_1 x_2 \ +a_6 x_1 x_3 \ +a_7 x_1 x_4 +a_8 x_2 x_3 \ +a_9 x_2 x_4 +a_{10} x_3 x_4$$

$$\mathrm{Hessian}=\left\lbrack \begin{array}{cccc} 2a_1 & a_5 & a_6 & a_7 \\ a_5 & 2a_2 & a_8 & a_9 \\ a_6 & a_8 & 2a_3 & a_{10} \\ a_7 & a_9 & a_{10} & 2a_4 \end{array}\right\rbrack$$

Q = [4 0 1 0
     0 2 2 0
     1 2 6 1
     0 0 1 4];

fprintf('Eigen Values Objective Function:');
fprintf('Determinant: %i', det(Q));


Eigen Values Objective Function:

Determinant: 112

Since all the eigenvalues are positive and not zero, also the Determinant of the Hessian matrix positive definite, we can conclude that Hessian Matrix is positive definite, therefore is a strongly convex optimization problem.

2.3 Find the global minimum by using the gradient method with exact line search.

Starting from the point $\left(0,0,0,0\right)\ \ \mathrm{with}\ \left|\nabla f\left(x\right)\right|<{10}^{-6}$ as stopping criterion. How many iterations are needed?

The optimization problem is unconstraint and the objective function is a quadratic, where Q is positive definite, as follows:

$$\begin{array}{l} f\left(x\right)=\frac{1}{2}x^T Q;x+q^T x\\ g\left(x\right)=Q;x+q; \end{array}$$

Pseudocode: The steepest descent direction

% Gradient method
Choose x0 tolerance=ie-6 i=0
while (norm(g) > tolerance)
   [step direction] d = -g;
   [step size] alpha = -(g'*d)/d'Qd;
   x = x + alpha*d;
   i = i + 1;
q = [-5

x0 = [0

tolerance = 1e-6;

% Starting Point
x = x0;
i = 0;

g = Q*x + q;

fprintf('Gradient Method with exact line search');
fprintf('i \t f(x) \t \t \t ||grad f(x)|| \n');

while (norm(g)>tolerance)
    v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
    g = Q*x + q;
    fprintf('%i \t %2.10f \t \t %2.10f \n',i,v,norm(g));
    % Direction
    d = -g;
    % Step size
    alpha = -(g'*d)/(d'*Q*d);
    % New point
    x = x + alpha*d;
    % Next iteration
    i = i+1;


Gradient Method with exact line search
i 	 f(x) 	 	 	 ||grad f(x)|| 
0 	 0.0000000000 	 	 7.0710678119 
1 	 -5.0403225806 	 	 2.4685851395 
2 	 -5.5976694222 	 	 1.1368021920 
3 	 -5.7883000924 	 	 0.9808455712 
4 	 -5.8850831815 	 	 0.6005067114 
5 	 -5.9375039954 	 	 0.5321261507 
. 	      . 	  	      .
. 	      . 	  	      .
. 	      . 	  	      .
45 	 -6.0000000000 	 	 0.0000027326 
46 	 -6.0000000000 	 	 0.0000016771 
47 	 -6.0000000000 	 	 0.0000014863 
48 	 -6.0000000000 	 	 0.0000009122 

With Gradient Method using exact line search we need 48 iterations to arrive to the best solution.

2.4 Find the global minimum by using the conjugate gradient method

Starting from the point (0, 0, 0, 0). How many iterations are needed? Write the point found by the method at any iteration. With this method, the search direction involves the gradient computed at the current iteration and the direction computed at the precious iteration.

$$d^k =\left\lbrace \begin{array}{ll} -g^0 & \mathrm{if};k=0\\ -g^k +\beta_k d^{k-1} & \mathrm{if};k\ge 1 \end{array}\right.$$

The optimization problem is unconstrained and the objective function is a quadratic, where Q is positive definite, as follows:

$$\begin{array}{l} f\left(x\right)=\frac{1}{2}x^T Q;x+q^T x\\ g\left(x\right)=Q;x+q; \end{array}$$

Pseudocode: Conjugate gradient method for quadratic functions with linear search

% Conjugate method
Choose x0 i=0
while g > 0
   if i = 0
       d = -g;
       beta = norm(g)^2 / norm(g_prev)^2;
       d = -g + beta*d_prev;
   alpha = norm(g)^2 / (d'Q*d);
   x = x + alpha*d;
   g = Qx + q;
   i = i + 1;
clear x v g

x0 = [0

x = x0;
i = 0;

v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
g = Q*x + q;

fprintf("\n \n Conjugate Gradient with exact line search \n");
fprintf("i \t f(x) \t \t \t ||grad f(x)|| ");

while (norm(g)>tolerance)
    fprintf('%i \t %2.10f \f %2.10f \n', i, v, norm(g));
    if i == 0
        % Direction on the first iteration
        d = -g;
        beta = (norm(g)^2) / (norm(g_prev)^2);
        % Directio
        d = -g + beta*d_prev;

    % Step Size
    alpha = (norm(g)^2) / (d'*Q*d);
    x = x + alpha*d;
    d_prev = d;
    g_prev = g;

    v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
    g = Q*x + q;

    i = i + 1;


 Conjugate Gradient with exact line search 
i 	 f(x) 	 	 	 ||grad f(x)|| 
0 	 0.0000000000 	 	 7.0710678119 
1 	 -5.0403225806 	 	 2.4685851395 
2 	 -5.6669616780 	 	 0.9277888981 
3 	 -5.9998774891 	 	 0.0296673867 

On this case, we can easily see that the convergence rate is quicklier than the previous method, with Conjugate Method using exact line search we use just 3 iterations to found the minimum.

2.5 Find the global minimum by using the Newton method

Starting from the point (0, 0, 0, 0). How many iterations are needed? We can conclude an objective function is strongly convex because the Hessian of the function is positive definite, and we get the global convergence because the direction is a descent direction: $\nabla f{\left(x^k \right)}^T d^k =-\nabla f{\left(x^k \right)}^T {\left\lbrack \nabla^2 f\left(x^k \right)\right\rbrack }^{-1} \nabla \left(f\left(x^k \right)\right)<0$

Pseudocode: Newton method basic version

% Newton method
Choose x0 i=0
while (g ~= 0)
    [search direction] d = -H\g;
    x = x + d 
    i = i + 1;
x0 = [0

i = 0;
x = x0;

v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
g = Q*x + q;

fprintf("\n \n Newton method basic version \n");
fprintf("i \t f(x) \t \t \t ||grad f(x)|| \n");
while (norm(g) > tolerance)
    fprintf("%i \t %2.10f \t \t %2.10f \n", i, v, norm(g));
    d = -Q\g;
    x = x + d;
    i = i + 1;

    v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
    g = Q*x + q;


 Newton method basic version 
i 	 f(x) 	 	 	 ||grad f(x)|| 
0 	 0.0000000000 	 	 7.0710678119 

Pseudocode: Newton Armijo inexact line search

% Newton method Armijo inexact line search
Choose x0 i=0
Set alpha gamma tbar
while (g~=0)
   [search direction] d = -H\g;
   t = tbar;
   while f(x + t*d) > f(x) + alpha*t*d'*g
      t = gamma*t;
   x = x + t*d
   i = i + 1;
clear x v g H

x0 = [0

i = 0;
x = x0;
tbar = 1;
alpha = 0.1;
gamma = 0.9;

[v, g, H] = f(x, Q, q);
fprintf("\n \n Newton method Armijo inexact line search \n");
fprintf("i \t f(x) \t \t \t ||grad f(x)|| \n");
fprintf("%i \t %2.10f \t \t %2.10f \n", i, v, norm(g));
while (norm(g) < tolerance)
    % search direction
    d = -H\g;
    t = tbar;

    % Armijo inexact line search
    while f(x+t*d, Q,q) > v+alpha*t*d'*g
        t = gamma * t;
    x = x + t*d;
    i = i + 1;
    [v,g,H] = f(x, Q, q);
function [v, g, H] = f(x, Q, q)
    v = (1/2)*x'*Q*x + q'*x;
    g = Q*x + q;
    H = Q;


Newton method Armijo inexact line search 
i 	 f(x) 	 	 	 ||grad f(x)|| 
0 	 0.0000000000 	 	 7.0710678119