Using paper work to print the timetable is tiresome and very much expensive since a lot of paper is used to print the whole university timetable containing all the courses from certificate to PhD. Some units and classes may collide hence causing confusion in the learning institution but coming with a timetable system that is web based will be much cheaper compared to the printed timetable and it’s also easier to not the colliding units of the same lecturer and units that are to be taught at the same room same time. The other thing it will solve the issue of student crowding at the noticeboards since they will be accessing online.
1. Git clone the repo or download as zip file
2. Extract to your server directory i.e if using xampp
extract here c/xampp/htdocs/ else if lampp in linux
extract to /opt/lampp/htdocs else /var/www/html/
3. Create a database, named - Timetable_Generator and import attached .SQL Dump file
4. On your favourite browser, type http://your_server_adr/iTimeTable
To login in as Administrator, Use
> Username : System Administrator
> Password : demo
Or incase it fails you can reset it.