- Verify supported technology is installed:
- Python 3.5.x
- Django
- Postgres (Database)
- Whitenoise (For static files)
- See requirements.txt for full details here
- PGAdmin 3 or 4
- Existing Heroku account
- Heroku CLI installed
Instructions are based on a Windows 10 OS
1. $ virtualenv venv
2. $ venv\Scripts\activate.bat
a. To Deactcivate:
b. $ venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat
3. $ python C:\code\Personal\django-attendance-webapp\venv\Scripts\django-admin.exe startproject attendance
a. Due to a bug in virtualenv on Windows you have to fully qualify the django-admin.exe path.
4. Create .gitignore file:
5. Create/Updated requirements.txt to include other known needed packages
* pip freeze > requirements.txt
* pip install -r requriements.txt
6. Convert settings.py to settings folder with `base.py', `dev.py`, and `production.py`
7. Create repo and commit (Add Readme.MD)
8. Update manage.py to look for .env file
9. Prepare webapp for Heroku
* Create "Procfile" on line of code (point to app.wsgi.py):
`web: gunicorn attendance.wsgi`
* Update settings.py to work with .env file
* Convert project to postgres db
* Create postgres DB 'attendance'
* Delete `db.sqlite3` if it exists
* Update ".env" file with local variables:
* DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=attendance.settings.py
* SECRET_KEY='***************************'
* DB_USER_NAME='********'
* DB_PASSWORD='********'
* Update settings.py to use postgres instead of sqllight
10. Migrate db:
* $ python manage.py migrate
11. Log into Heroku using cli
* heroku login
12. Create heroku app
* heroku create myregistration
13. Deploy to heroku
* $ git push heroku master
* $ heroku run python manage.py migrate
* $ heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser
14. Create events app inside django
* $ python manage.py startapp events
15. Update events app accodingly
* Update urls.py (both)
* Add app to "INSTALLED_APPS" settings.py
* Create models
* $ python manage.py makemigrations
* $ python manage.py migrate
* Create templates
* Code veiws.py to work with templates and models to serve up pages
16. Create registrations app
* $ python manage.py startapp registrations