Matechs Effect is a Fully-fledged functional effect system for typescript with a rich standard library including modules for http server & client, logger, orm, cqrs+es, zookeeper leader election, next.js, apollo, rxjs, redux-observables and more.
- packages : core packages
- packages_inc : projects in incubation stage
- packages_sys : system level utilities
- packages_http : http related utilities (client/server)
- packages_fe : frontend related utilities (pure client)
- packages_be : backend related utilities (pure server)
Docs are meant to be only for introduction to the architecture but are still outdated, for proper usage refer to the test & demo packages in each package
This package is a work in progress syntax and functions might change, feedback are welcome and contributions even more!
26-03-2020 Introduction call, basic explaination of the effect library and showcase of examples:
28-08-2020 Scala in The City COnference: Functional Effect Systems to the Rescue
The library is released with an MIT license and the codebase is fully open-source please read:
As with any good library there is a commercial project that support the development and maintainance, if you want to know more find us at we are a digital accelerator looking for smart founders!
This library would have not been feasibly possible without the strong foundations of fp-ts and Waveguide from which we have forked the base bifunctor and execution runtime, huge thanks to the Authors.
This library was initially based on Fluture, huge thanks to the Authors.
Another huge thanks goes to both the scala community (ZIO in specific) and the haskell community (RIO & Polysemy) from which inspiration is taken.
All of the above projects are advised!
The best place to reach out would be either in (FP Chat, channel #matechs) or for italians (Italia JS, @Michael Arnaldi or channel #fp)