This repository is an attempt to create an out-of-the-box LVGL experience on ESP32 files using MicroPython.
While there are a lot of libraries, examples and information available on getting LVGL working on MicroPython there is a huge amount of fragmented, outdated and non-working code out there.
After spending several days getting increasingly frustrated about the state of things I decided to fragment a bit more and create my own module with the following requirements:
- Must compile as a USER_C_MODULE
- Works with latest release of LVGL
- Works with latest release of MicroPython
- Works with latest (supported by MicroPython) release of ESP-IDF
- Uses the
driver of ESP-IDF with an SPI bus - Allows sharing SPI for example with SD card
There are currently no plans to support
- non-ESP32 devices
- other than the standard
displays - other buses than SPI
- other displays than ST7789 as I do not possess any to test
The final objective of this project is to support the camp badges for Fri3d Camp and as such certain functionality you'd expect from a display driver might be missing as they are not necessary for that project.
Don't hesitate to create a pull request to add the required functionality.
This wrapper requires that you activate the following options in your sdkconfig.board
# lv_tick_inc is called from an esp_timer configured with interrupts
First follow the MicroPython documentation to create a build for your device without this module and verify it is working.
Once you are sure it does, clone the repository with recursive submodules, this makes sure
git clone --recurse-submodules <repository-url>
Then you need to alter your partition table and add it into your sdkconfig.board
, app partition (where binary micropython.bin exist) size need 0x260000 at least(depend on your project's manifest), following is an example partition table with 16MiB flash:
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x6000,
phy_init, data, phy, 0xf000, 0x1000,
factory, app, factory, 0x10000, 0x2F0000,
vfs, data, fat, 0x300000, 0x700000,
Compile adding the USER_C_MODULES
parameter to the make
make USER_C_MODULES=/path/to/lvgl_esp32_mpy/micropython.cmake <other options>
Things I'll probably still implement at some point:
- Rotation of displays
- LVGL: 9.1
- MicroPython: 1.23.0
- ESP-IDF: 5.2.2
A lot of ideas and/or work were borrowed from
- kdschlosser's LVGL binding
- russhughes's s3lcd
- The original lv_binding_micropython