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MatriCom case study: Matrisome communication systems within the kidney

All steps discussed below are included in a single script: kidney.R

To demonstrate how MatriCom can be used to interrogate biological systems, we performed a case study of matrisome communication networks in the human kidney using the Kidney (Stewart et al., Science 2019) open-access dataset from the Azimuth app collection. The dataset was processed with MatriCom using original sample annotations and all default query parameters and filters.

The workflow is divided into a preparation step, followed by a four-part case study (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Overview of Kidney Case Study.

Required Libraries



Set working directory (work dir) to desired file path, such as the current folder. All files downloaded or created by the script will appear in one of the three folders specified after it. Checksums for downloaded files can be found in md5sum.txt.

work.d <- setwd(".")
dln.d <- paste0(work.d, "/", "downloaded")
ref.d <- paste0(work.d, "/", "reference-lists")
out.d <- paste0(work.d, "/", "results-output")

Downloads time out. Because some of the downloads are quite large, we recommend specifying a longer timeout. This will increase it to 30 min:



Prepare metadata for kidney dataset from Azimuth

The original kidney scRNA-seq dataset can be retrieved from the Azimuth reference tissue library.

After downloading the dataset in *.rds format, the full Azimuth metadata table can be extracted programmatically, as follows:

# Download
www <- ""
download.file(www, paste0(dln.d, "/", "kidney_demo_stewart.rds"))

meta <- readRDS(paste0(dln.d, "/", "kidney_demo_stewart.rds"))
meta <- data.frame(

# Save metadata in folder "reference-lists"
write.csv(meta, paste0(ref.d, "/", "Azimuth kidney_demo_Seurat metadata.csv"))

Process kidney dataset with MatriCom and prepare glossary of cell type labels

To count cells/expressions/communications per population, the format of population names must be harmonized across data sources (e.g., original annotations from MatriCom vs cell type labels from Azimuth metadata).

To process the kidney dataset, go to MatriCom ( and import the data in one of two ways:

  • Use Data Input > Option 1: Upload your own dataset
    • Using the Browse button, upload downloaded/kidney_demo_stewart.rds
    • Go to Query Parameters > Select cell identity labels > celltype
  • Use Data Input > Option 2: Select a sample dataset
    • Select Collection > Other open access datasets
    • Select Dataset > Kidney (Stewart et al., Science 2019)
    • Select Sample annotation > Original

Run MatriCom analysis using all default query parameters, as follows:

  • Set minimum mean gene expression threshold = 1
  • Set minimum % positive population threshold = 30%
  • Filters
    • Maximize model = TRUE
    • Use exclusion list = TRUE
    • Remove homomeric interactions = TRUE
    • Filter by reliability score = 3
    • Filter by communication type = Homocellular, Heterocellular
    • Filter by cellular compartment = Matrisome, Surfaceome, Extracellular (Non-matrisome)

Save the file as HKid_default_MatriCom network.XLSX in same location as the kidney.R script (i.e., current work dir). For user convenience, we provide the file here.

Import the kidney communication network from MatriCom and prepare the glossary:

kidney <-"HKid_default_MatriCom network.XLSX", sheet = "communication network"))
gloss <- data.frame(kid = sort(unique(kidney$Population1)), meta = sort(unique(meta$celltype)))
write.csv(gloss, paste0(ref.d, "/", "HuBMAP kidney_base lookup table.csv"))

Prepare gene pairs from KEGG ECM-receptor interaction pathway

Import the ECM-receptor interaction pathway map (PATHWAY: hsa04512) from KEGG and extract gene pairs. Note that the directionality column, dir, in the ECM-receptor reference list is used to designate the ligand or receptor gene and, likewise, the sender or receiver population for each pair returned by MatriCom.

# Download
kg <- parseKGML2DataFrame("hsa04512.xml")

kg$from <- gsub("hsa:","",kg$from)
kg$to <- gsub("hsa:","",kg$to)
kg$order <- c(1:nrow(kg))

kg.1 <- bitr(kg$from, fromType="ENTREZID", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="")
kg <- distinct(merge(kg,kg.1,by.x="from",by.y="ENTREZID"))
kg.1 <- bitr(kg$to, fromType="ENTREZID", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="")
kg <- distinct(merge(kg,kg.1,by.x="to",by.y="ENTREZID"))
kg <- distinct(kg[,c(6:7)])
colnames(kg) <- c("Gene1","Gene2")
kg$Gene1_Gene2 <- paste0(kg$Gene1, "_", kg$Gene2)

# 536 directional interactions

kg$dir <- "LR"
kg.1 <- data.frame(Gene1 = kg$Gene2, Gene2 = kg$Gene1, Gene1_Gene2 = paste0(kg$Gene2,"_", kg$Gene1), dir = "RL")
kg <- rbind(kg, kg.1)

# 1072 non-directional interactions

# Save interactions
write.csv(kg, paste0(ref.d, "/", "KEGG-hsa04512_LR-RL.csv"), row.names=F)

Retrieve the subset with only interactions involving non-integrin cell surface receptors:

# Cell surface interactions (non-integrin)
kg_surf <- kg[grepl("ITG",kg$Gene1_Gene2)!=T,]
dim(kg_surf) #330 interactions 

# Save non-integrin interactions
write.csv(kg_surf, paste0(ref.d, "/", "KEGG-hsa04512_surf.csv"), row.names=F)

Retrieve the subset with only interactions involving integrin receptors, represented as functional alpha-beta subunit gene pairs:

# Integrin interactions
db <- subsetDB(CellChatDB=CellChatDB.human, search="ECM-Receptor", key="annotation")
db1 <- bind_rows(db[1])
db1 <- db1[db1$evidence=="KEGG: hsa04512",]
kg_itg <- data.frame(Ligand = db1$ligand, Receptor = db1$receptor, X = db1$receptor)
kg_itg$Receptor <- gsub("_", "-", kg_itg$Receptor)
kg_itg <- separate_wider_delim(kg_itg, cols=3, delim="_", names=c("ReceptorA", "ReceptorB"), too_few="align_start")
kg_itg$Ligand_Receptor <- paste0(kg_itg$Ligand,"_",kg_itg$Receptor)
dim(kg_itg) #421 interactions

# Save integrin interactions
write.csv(kg_itg, paste0(ref.d, "/", "KEGG-hsa04512_ITG.csv"), row.names=F)


To prepare the set of human and mouse matrisome gene symbols, also used to construct MatriComDB, annotated lists of human and mouse matrisome genes were downloaded from The Matrisome Project website:

We downloaded and combined the human and mouse lists, keeping matrisome division and category columns [0]:

# Obtain the sheets directly from upstream
hs <-"", sheetid = "Hs_Matrisome_Masterlist"))
mm <-"", sheetid = "Mm_Matrisome_Masterlist"))

hs <- hs[, c(1:3)]
mm <- mm[, c(1:3)]
mm[, 3] <- toupper(mm[, 3])
m.list <- rbind(hs, mm)
m.list <- unique(m.list)
colnames(m.list) <- c("Division", "Category", "Gene_Symbol")


write.csv(m.list, paste0(out.d, "/", "MATRISOME_Hs-Mm_masterlist.csv"), quote = F, row.names = F)

After importing the default MatriCom communication network table, we added columns for population and gene pair labels, including matrisome divisions and categories [1]:

  • Core matrisome: ECM glycoproteins, Collagens, Proteoglycans
  • Matrisome-associated: ECM regulators, ECM-affiliated proteins, Secreted factors

We identified individual kidney cell populations and found the contribution of expressions per population [2], relative to population size in the original scRNA-seq dataset from Azimuth. Here, we defined expressions as the number of times a given population appears in any communication in the MatriCom output table.

kidney$Population1 <- apply(kidney, 1, function(x){
  r <- match(x[1], gloss$kid)
kidney$Population2 <- apply(kidney, 1, function(x){
  r <- match(x[5], gloss$kid)

kidney$Pair <- paste0(kidney$Population1, "_", kidney$Population2)
kidney$Div1_Div2 <- paste0(kidney$Matrisome.Division.Gene1, "_", kidney$Matrisome.Division.Gene2)
kidney$Cat1_Cat2 <- paste0(kidney$Matrisome.Category.Gene1, "_", kidney$Matrisome.Category.Gene2)
kidney$Pair.type <- ifelse(kidney$Population1==kidney$Population2, "Homocellular", "Heterocellular")

# Save divisions and categories
write.csv(kidney, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Div-Cat.csv"), row.names = F) 

# Population Contribution
pops <- data.frame(Population = gloss$meta)

# Number of times each population appears in matricom output table as pop1 or pop2
for(i in 1:nrow(pops)){
  x <- meta[pops$Population[i]==meta$celltype,]
  pops$n.Pop[i] <- nrow(x)
  x1 <- kidney[pops$Population[i]==kidney$Population1,]
  x2 <- kidney[pops$Population[i]==kidney$Population2,]
  x3 <- rbind(x1, x2)
  pops$n.Expr[i] <- nrow(x3)

N.Pop <- sum(pops$n.Pop)
N.Expr <- sum(pops$n.Expr) # = 2*N.Itxns

pops$freq.Pop <- pops$n.Pop/N.Pop
pops$freq.Expr <- pops$n.Expr/N.Expr 
pops$ctrb.Expr <- pops$freq.Expr / pops$freq.Pop

write.csv(pops, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Pop Contrib.csv"), row.names = F)

This section produces the following results in results-output/:

  • [0] MATRISOME_Hs-Mm_masterlist.csv
  • [1] HKid_default_Div-Cat.csv
  • [2] HKid_default_Pop Contrib.csv


Next, we took the subset of communication pairs from the full network in which fibroblasts are one of the communicating populations [3] and found the frequency of each population pair. We then determined the contribution of communications per partner population to the entire fibroblast network [4], the fibroblast Matrisome-Matrisome communication network [5], and the fibroblast Matrisome-Non.matrisome communication network [6], relative to the size of both populations in the original scRNA-seq dataset.

# Fibroblast Partner Contribution
fib <- kidney[kidney$Population1=="Fibroblast" | kidney$Population2=="Fibroblast",]
write.csv(fib, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib.csv"), row.names=F)

hom <- fib[fib$Pair.type=="Homocellular",]
het <- fib[fib$Pair.type=="Heterocellular",]

part <- data.frame(Partner = unique(fib$Population1), n.Pop = 0, #same as pairs table where Pop1 = Fib
                   n.Comm = 0, n.MXMX = 0, n.NMX = 0, n.CC = 0, n.AA = 0, n.CA = 0, n.CN = 0, n.AN = 0) 
part <- part[order(part$Partner),]

for(i in 1:nrow(part)){
  x <- meta[part$Partner[i]==meta$celltype,]
  part$n.Pop[i] <- nrow(x)
    x3 <- hom
  } else {
    x1 <- het[het$Population1==part$Partner[i],]
    x2 <- het[het$Population2==part$Partner[i],]
    x3 <- rbind(x1, x2)
  part$n.Comm[i] <- nrow(x3)  
  part$n.MXMX[i] <- sum(grepl("Matrisome-Matrisome", x3$Type.of.communication))
  part$n.NMX[i] <- sum(grepl("Non.matrisome-Matrisome", x3$Type.of.communication))
  part$n.CC[i] <- sum(grepl("Core matrisome_Core matrisome", x3$Div1_Div2))
  part$n.AA[i] <- sum(grepl("Matrisome-associated_Matrisome-associated", x3$Div1_Div2))
  part$n.CA[i] <- sum(sum(grepl("Core matrisome_Matrisome-associated", x3$Div1_Div2)), sum(grepl("Matrisome-associated_Core matrisome", x3$Div1_Div2)))
  part$n.CN[i] <- sum(sum(grepl("Core matrisome_Non.matrisome", x3$Div1_Div2)), sum(grepl("Non.matrisome_Core matrisome", x3$Div1_Div2)))
  part$n.AN[i] <- sum(sum(grepl("Matrisome-associated_Non.matrisome", x3$Div1_Div2)), sum(grepl("Non.matrisome_Matrisome-associated", x3$Div1_Div2)))

N.Pop <- sum(part$n.Pop)
N.Comm <- sum(part$n.Comm)

part$p.MXMX <- part$n.MXMX / part$n.Comm
part$p.NMX <- part$n.NMX / part$n.Comm
part$p.CC <- part$n.CC / part$n.Comm
part$p.AA <- part$n.AA / part$n.Comm
part$p.CA <- part$n.CA / part$n.Comm
part$p.CN <- part$n.CN / part$n.Comm
part$p.AN <- part$n.AN / part$n.Comm

part$freq.Pop <- part$n.Pop / N.Pop
part$freq.Fib <- part$freq.Pop[part$Partner=="Fibroblast"]
part$freq.Comm <- part$n.Comm / N.Comm
part$ctrb.Comm <- (part$freq.Comm / part$freq.Pop) + (part$freq.Comm / part$freq.Fib)

part$ctrb_p.MXMX <- part$ctrb.Comm * part$p.MXMX
part$ctrb_p.NMX <- part$ctrb.Comm * part$p.NMX

part$ctrb_p.CC <- part$p.CC * part$ctrb.Comm
part$ctrb_p.AA <- part$p.AA * part$ctrb.Comm
part$ctrb_p.CA <- part$p.CA * part$ctrb.Comm
part$ctrb_p.CN <- part$p.CN * part$ctrb.Comm
part$ctrb_p.AN <- part$p.AN * part$ctrb.Comm

write.csv(part, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib.csv"), row.names=F)

# Network: Matrisome-Matrisome only
fib.mxmx <- fib[fib$Type.of.communication=="Matrisome-Matrisome",]

mxmx <- data.frame(Partner = part$Partner, n.Pop = part$n.Pop, n.MXMX = part$n.MXMX, 
                   n.CC = part$n.CC, n.AA = part$n.AA, n.CA = part$n.CA)

mxmx$pp.CC <- mxmx$n.CC / mxmx$n.MXMX
mxmx$pp.AA <- mxmx$n.AA / mxmx$n.MXMX
mxmx$pp.CA <- mxmx$n.CA / mxmx$n.MXMX

mxmx$freq.Pop <- part$freq.Pop
mxmx$freq.Fib <- part$freq.Pop[part$Partner=="Fibroblast"]
mxmx$freq.MXMX <- part$n.MXMX / sum(part$n.MXMX)
mxmx$ctrb.MXMX <- (mxmx$freq.MXMX/mxmx$freq.Fib) + (mxmx$freq.MXMX/mxmx$freq.Pop) #contrib. to only Matrisome-Matrisome network

mxmx$ctrb_pp.CC <- mxmx$pp.CC * mxmx$ctrb.MXMX
mxmx$ctrb_pp.AA <- mxmx$pp.AA * mxmx$ctrb.MXMX
mxmx$ctrb_pp.CA <- mxmx$pp.CA * mxmx$ctrb.MXMX

write.csv(mxmx, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib_MXMX.csv"), row.names=F) #Supplementary Table S4D

# Network: Non.Matrisome-Matrisome only
fib.nmx <- fib[fib$Type.of.communication=="Non.matrisome-Matrisome",]

nmx <- data.frame(Partner = part$Partner, n.Pop = part$n.Pop, 
                  n.NMX = part$n.NMX, n.CN = part$n.CN, n.AN = part$n.AN)

nmx$pp.CN <- nmx$n.CN / nmx$n.NMX
nmx$pp.AN <- nmx$n.AN / nmx$n.NMX

nmx$freq.Pop <- part$freq.Pop
nmx$freq.Fib <- part$freq.Pop[part$Partner=="Fibroblast"]
nmx$freq.NMX <- part$n.NMX / sum(part$n.NMX)

nmx$ctrb.NMX <- (nmx$freq.NMX/nmx$freq.Fib) + (nmx$freq.NMX/nmx$freq.Pop) #contrib. to only Non.Matrisome-Matrisome network
nmx$ctrb_pp.CN <- nmx$pp.CN * nmx$ctrb.NMX
nmx$ctrb_pp.AN <- nmx$pp.AN * nmx$ctrb.NMX

write.csv(nmx, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib_NMX.csv"), row.names=F)

This section produces the following results in results-output/:

  • [3] HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib.csv
  • [4] HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib.csv
  • [5] HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib_MXMX.csv
  • [6] HKid_default_Fib Pair Contrib_NMX.csv


Next, we took the subset of communication pairs which represent an ECM-ECM receptor gene pairs where fibroblasts are the sender population [7]. We identified unique ligand and receptor genes [8,9] and found the contribution of communications per receiver population to the fibroblast ECM-receptor network [10], relative to the size of both populations in the original scRNA-seq dataset.

# Fibroblast ECM-Receptors

# Subset: only ECM-R
fib$Gene1_Gene2 <- paste0(fib$Gene1,"_",fib$Gene2)
fib$check <- apply(fib, 1, function(x){
  ifelse(x[21] %in% kg$Gene1_Gene2, "Y", "N")

ecmr <- fib[fib$check=="Y",1:22]

ecmr$dir <- apply(ecmr, 1, function(x){
  r <- which(kg$Gene1_Gene2 == x[21])
  ifelse(kg$dir[r]=="LR", "LR", "RL")

for(i in 1:nrow(ecmr)){
    ecmr$Ligand[i] <- ecmr$Gene1[i]
    ecmr$Receptor[i] <- ecmr$Gene2[i]
    ecmr$Sender[i] <- ecmr$Population1[i]
    ecmr$Receiver[i] <- ecmr$Population2[i]
    ecmr$DivL[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Division.Gene1[i]
    ecmr$DivR[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Division.Gene2[i]
    ecmr$CatL[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Category.Gene1[i]
    ecmr$CatR[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Category.Gene2[i]
    ecmr$DivL_DivR[i] <- ecmr$Div1_Div2[i]
    ecmr$CatL_CatR[i] <- ecmr$Cat1_Cat2[i]
    ecmr$Ligand[i] <- ecmr$Gene2[i]
    ecmr$Receptor[i] <- ecmr$Gene1[i]
    ecmr$Sender[i] <- ecmr$Population2[i]
    ecmr$Receiver[i] <- ecmr$Population1[i]
    ecmr$DivL[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Division.Gene2[i]
    ecmr$DivR[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Division.Gene1[i]
    ecmr$CatL[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Category.Gene2[i]
    ecmr$CatR[i] <- ecmr$Matrisome.Category.Gene1[i]
    ecmr$DivL_DivR[i] <- paste0(ecmr$Div2[i],"_",ecmr$Div1[i])
    ecmr$CatL_CatR[i] <- paste0(ecmr$Cat2[i],"_",ecmr$Cat1[i])
dim(ecmr) #470 communications

# Subset: Sender = Fibroblast
ecmr.fib <- ecmr[ecmr$Sender=="Fibroblast",] 
write.csv(ecmr.fib, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib ECM-R.csv"), row.names = F) #Supplementary Table S5A

# Gene lists
lig <- data.frame(Gene = unique(ecmr.fib$Ligand), Class = "Ligand")
rcpt <- data.frame(Gene = unique(ecmr.fib$Receptor), Class = "Receptor")

# Ligands
lig$Div <- "Non-matrisome"; lig$Cat <- "Non-matrisome"; lig$n.Expr <- 0; lig$freq.Expr <- 0; 
for(i in 1:nrow(lig)){
  lig$n.Expr[i] <- sum(grepl(lig$Gene[i], ecmr.fib$Ligand))
  for(j in 1:nrow(m.list)){
    if(lig$Gene[i] %in% m.list$Gene_Symbol[j]){
      lig$Div[i] <- m.list$Division[j]
      lig$Cat[i] <- m.list$Category[j]
    } else{next}
lig$freq.Expr<- lig$n.Expr / sum(lig$n.Expr)
write.csv(lig, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Ligands.csv"), row.names=F) #Supplementary Table S5B

# Receptors
rcpt$Div <- "Non-matrisome"; rcpt$Cat <- "Non-matrisome"; rcpt$n.Expr <- 0; rcpt$freq.Expr <- 0; 
for(i in 1:nrow(rcpt)){
  rcpt$n.Expr[i] <- sum(grepl(rcpt$Gene[i], ecmr.fib$Receptor))
  for(j in 1:nrow(m.list)){
    if(rcpt$Gene[i] %in% m.list$Gene_Symbol[j]){
      rcpt$Div[i] <- m.list$Division[j]
      rcpt$Cat[i] <- m.list$Category[j]
    } else{next}
rcpt$freq.Expr<- rcpt$n.Expr / sum(rcpt$n.Expr)
write.csv(rcpt, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Receptors.csv"), row.names=F) #Supplementary Table S5B

# Receiver Contribution
recv <- data.frame(Receiver = sort(unique(ecmr.fib$Receiver)))

recv$n.Comm <- 0
recv$n.Glyco_Aff <- 0; recv$n.Glyco_Non <- 0
recv$n.Col_Aff <- 0; recv$n.Col_Non <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(recv)){
  x <- ecmr.fib[recv$Receiver[i]==ecmr.fib$Receiver,]
  recv$n.Comm[i] <- nrow(x)
  recv$n.Glyco_Aff[i] <- sum(grepl("ECM glycoproteins_ECM-affiliated proteins", x$CatL_CatR))
  recv$n.Glyco_Non[i] <- sum(grepl("ECM glycoproteins_Non.matrisome", x$CatL_CatR))
  recv$n.Col_Aff[i] <- sum(grepl("Collagens_ECM-affiliated proteins", x$CatL_CatR))
  recv$n.Col_Non[i] <- sum(grepl("Collagens_Non.matrisome", x$CatL_CatR))
N.Comm <- sum(recv$n.Comm)

recv$p.Glyco_Aff <- recv$n.Glyco_Aff / recv$n.Comm
recv$p.Glyco_Non <- recv$n.Glyco_Non / recv$n.Comm
recv$p.Col_Aff <- recv$n.Col_Aff / recv$n.Comm
recv$p.Col_Non <- recv$n.Col_Non / recv$n.Comm

# Contribution
pops <- pops[,-c(4,6:7)]

recv$n.Send <-pops$n.Pop[10]
recv$n.Recv <- apply(recv, 1, function(x){
  r <- match(x[1], pops$Population)

N.Pop <- sum(recv$n.Recv)
recv$freq.Send <- recv$n.Send / N.Pop
recv$freq.Recv <- recv$n.Recv / N.Pop

recv$freq.Comm <- recv$n.Comm / N.Comm
recv$ctrb.Comm <- (recv$freq.Comm/recv$freq.Send) + (recv$freq.Comm/recv$freq.Recv)
recv$ctrb_p.Glyco_Aff <- recv$ctrb.Comm * recv$p.Glyco_Aff
recv$ctrb_p.Glyco_Non <- recv$ctrb.Comm * recv$p.Glyco_Non
recv$ctrb_p.Col_Aff <- recv$ctrb.Comm * recv$p.Col_Aff
recv$ctrb_p.Col_Non <- recv$ctrb.Comm * recv$p.Col_Non

write.csv(recv, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib Receiver Contrib.csv"), row.names = F)

This section produces the following results in results-output/:

  • [7] HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib ECM-R.csv
  • [8] HKid_default_Fib Ligands.csv
  • [9] HKid_default_Fib Receptors.csv
  • [10] HKid_default_Fib Receiver Contrib.csv


Finally, we evaluated the degree to which known collagen VI-receptor interactions are recapitulated by communications returned from transcript-level MatriCom analysis. Taking a subset of communications in which fibroblasts express one of the three genes - COL6A1, COL6A2, and COL6A3 - encoding the [a1(VI)a2(VI)a3(VI)] trimer [11], we identified receiver populations and extrapolated distinct collagen VI-cell surface receptor interactions [12,13]. Next, we identified receiver populations that express pairs of ITGA and ITGB genes which are known to form functional integrin heterodimers and extrapolated distinct collagen VI-integrin receptor complexes [14,15].

# Fibroblast Collagen Type VI
c6 <- ecmr.fib[grepl("COL6A1", ecmr.fib$Gene1_Gene2)==T | 
                 grepl("COL6A2", ecmr.fib$Gene1_Gene2)==T | 
                 grepl("COL6A3", ecmr.fib$Gene1_Gene2)==T,]

write.csv(c6, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib ECM-R_COL6.csv"), row.names=F)

# Cell surface
kg_surf <- kg[grepl("ITG", kg$Gene1_Gene2)!=T,]

# KEGG COL6 list subset: non-integrin receptor genes only
kg_surf.c6 <- kg_surf[grepl("COL6A1", kg_surf$Gene1_Gene2)==T | 
                        grepl("COL6A2", kg_surf$Gene1_Gene2)==T | 
                        grepl("COL6A3", kg_surf$Gene1_Gene2)==T,] #Fib only expr a1, a2, a3
kg_surf.c6 <- kg_surf.c6[kg_surf.c6$dir=="LR",]

# COL6 ECM-R network subset: non-integrin receptor genes only
c6_surf <- c6[grepl("ITG", c6$Gene1_Gene2)!=T,]

# Find interactions
ref <- data.frame(Sender = "Fibroblast", Ligand = kg_surf.c6$Gene1, 
                  Receiver = "", Receptor = kg_surf.c6$Gene2, 
                  check = "")

recv.list <- sort(unique(c6_surf$Receiver))
z.Y <- list()

for(i in 1:length(recv.list)){
  x <- c6_surf[c6_surf$Receiver==recv.list[i],]
  y <- ref
  y$Receiver <- recv.list[i]
  y$check <- ifelse(y$Receptor %in% x$Receptor, "Y", "N")
  z.Y[[i]] <- y[y$check=="Y",]
names(z.Y) <- recv.list
z.Y0 <- bind_rows(z.Y) 
dim(z.Y0) #81 rows

write.csv(z.Y0, paste0(out.d, "/","HKid_default_Fib COL6-Surf_communications.csv"), row.names=F)

z.Y0$Ligand <- "COL6A1-COL6A2-COL6A3"
z.Y1 <- distinct(z.Y0) 
dim(z.Y1) #27 rows

write.csv(z.Y1, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib COL6-Surf_interactions.csv"), row.names=F)

# Integrins. Ref list of alpha-beta integrin subunit pairs is from KEGG hsa04512 
itg <- kg_itg[grepl("COL6A1", kg_itg$Ligand_Receptor)==T | 
                grepl("COL6A2", kg_itg$Ligand_Receptor)==T | 
                grepl("COL6A3", kg_itg$Ligand_Receptor)==T,]

c6_itg <- c6[grepl("ITG", c6$Gene1_Gene2)==T,]
recv.list <- sort(unique(c6_itg$Receiver))

ref <- data.frame(Sender = "Fibroblast", Ligand = itg$Ligand, 
                  Receiver = "", Receptor = itg$Receptor,
                  ReceptorA = itg$ReceptorA, ReceptorB = itg$ReceptorB,
                  Lig_RcptA = paste0(itg$Ligand, "_",itg$ReceptorA),
                  Lig_RcptB = paste(itg$Ligand, "_", itg$ReceptorB),
                  checkLRA = "", checkLRB ="", check = "")
ref$Lig_RcptB <- gsub(" _ ","_",ref$Lig_RcptB)

zi.Y <- list()
for(i in 1:length(recv.list)){
  x <- c6_itg[c6_itg$Receiver==recv.list[i],]
  y <- ref
  y$Receiver <- recv.list[i]
  y$checkLRA <- ifelse(y$Lig_RcptA %in% x$Gene1_Gene2, "Y", "N")
  y$checkLRB <- ifelse(y$Lig_RcptB %in% x$Gene1_Gene2, "Y", "N")
  y$check <- paste0(y$checkLRA,y$checkLRB)
  zi.Y[[i]] <- y[y$check!="NN",]
names(zi.Y) <- recv.list
zi.Y0 <- bind_rows(zi.Y) 
dim(zi.Y0) #402

write.csv(zi.Y0, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib COL6-ITG_communications.csv"), row.names=F)

zi.Y0$Ligand <- "COL6A1-COL6A2-COL6A3"
zi.Y1 <- distinct(zi.Y0[,c(1:6,11)])
dim(zi.Y1) #134

write.csv(zi.Y1, paste0(out.d, "/", "HKid_default_Fib COL6-ITG_interactions.csv"), row.names=F)

This section produces the following results in results-output/:

  • [11] HKid_default_Div-Cat_Fib ECM-R_COL6.csv
  • [12] HKid_default_Fib COL6-Surf_communications.csv
  • [13] HKid_default_Fib COL6-Surf_interactions.csv
  • [14] HKid_default_Fib COL6-ITG_communications.csv
  • [15] HKid_default_Fib COL6-ITG_interactions.csv