This is a simple example to demonstrate how to implement a serverless application using this fully managed aws codepipeline template:
The CD pipeline will:
- Detect changes in GitHub
- Build changes and run unit tests
- Deploy changes to Alpha
- Run integration tests against Alpha
- Deploy changes to Beta
- Install awscli and setup aws account
- Create a GitHub repository and push this application to it
- Get an access key for GitHub repository with privileges: [admin:repo_hook, repo]
- In commandline:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file cloudformation-pipeline.yaml --stack-name <stack-name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides \
GitHubUser=<username> \
Repo=<repo> \
Branch=<branch> \
GitHubToken=<github access token>
Running unit tests:
mvn clean test
Running integration tests:
mvn verify -DargLine="-Dstage=alpha" -P integration-test
(change stage to whichever stage you want to run integration tests against)
Continuous Deployment pipeline based on this repository:
Project behaviour on this tutorial:
Maven testing setup based on this tutorial: