- Juliana Louback - jl4354
- Henrique Spyra Gubert - hs2807
- Radu Michael Moldoveanu - rmm2231
NOTE: We implemented the analytics to see how sentiment evolves over time for extra points.
- web_interface: web application to show all analytics
- sentiment_analysis: folder with the map reduce programs to extract trends and sentiment timeseries
- find_top_trends: java program to process map reduce job output and prepare for visualization
- find_top_positive_and_negative_keywords: java program to process map reduce job output and prepare for visualization
- merge_sentiment_timeseries: java program to process map reduce job output and prepare for visualization
- copy_tweet_data: program to transfer tweet raw data to our bucket
- s3_simple_reader: program to output first lines of file in S3 without downloading it
- Tomcat: folder where Tomcat is installed, so the whole assignment is auto-contained
- Servers: eclipse servers for testing and debugging locally