This GitHub Action sets up and manages a simple APT repository on GitHub Pages or a separate repository.
Required: Personal access token with commit
and push
Required: Newline-delimited list of supported architectures (e.g., amd64
, i386
Required: Newline-delimited list of supported Linux distributions (e.g., bionic
, trusty
Required: Path to the .deb
file to be included.
Required: Version target for the supplied .deb
Required: GPG private key for signing the APT repo.
Required: GPG public key for the APT repo.
Passphrase for the GPG private key.
Required: Repository where the APT repo will be pushed (e.g., username/apt-repo
Location of the APT repo folder relative to the root of the target repository. Defaults to repo
uses: MauroDruwel/apt-repo-action@v4
github_token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
repo_supported_arch: |
repo_supported_version: |
file: my_program_bionic.deb
file_target_version: bionic
public_key: ${{ secrets.PUBLIC }}
private_key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE }}
key_passphrase: ${{ secrets.SECRET }}
target_repository: ${{ secrets.TARGETREPOSITORY }}
Once the action has run and your APT repository is set up, you can add it to your system with the following commands:
wget https://YOURGITHUBPAGESURL/public.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://YOURGITHUBPAGESURL/repo/ bionic main"
with your GitHub Pages URL, and adjust the distribution and component as necessary.