This projects helps to incoperate github as a CDN
You can also use Jsdelivr but using jsdelivr, your file gotten from the cdn is not always updated when you update your corresponding github repo
1. Create a script tag at the begin of your document
2. In that script tag define a variable called githubcdn to a list
let githubcdn = []
3. In that list enumerate all the github repo files you would love to import . using the format below
[github user name]/[github repo name]/[branch]/[path to file]
real example will be:
let githubcdn = [MaverickDe/acetoolscms/main/kwikertools.js]
4. create a new script tag also where you would love to import your repo and assign it an id using the format below
<script id="githubcdn_[github user name]/[github repo name]/[branch]/[path to file]"></script>
real example below
<script id="githubcdn__MaverickDe/acetoolscms/main/kwikertools.js"></script>
5. Assign a src attribute to the script tag with a src attribute using the url below
Using this method your CDN file is always goung to update when you update your corresponding repo files
## Developer
[email protected]