This directory contains code used in running experiments for the paper:
Highsmith, M. & Cheng, J. VEHiCLE: a Variationally Encoded Hi-C Loss Enhancement algorithm. doi:10.1101/2020.12.07.413559.
Max Highsmith
Department of Computer Science
Email [email protected]
Data: The Raw Data, Data Loaders, and preprcoessing scripts
Models: Pytorch implementation of models used in experiments
Weights: Trained weights of experiments
Experiments: Scripts used to run experiments
Fig_Scripts: Scripts used To generate Figures
other_tools: tools built by other labs need to run experiments
In our study we used Hi-C data from GSE63525. Datasets are programatically downloaded and formatted via the dataloader objects (Data/<cell_line> but can be found in their raw format at
To view the interactive tunable Hi-C Contact matrix generating GUI run
To enhance your own HiC data run
- YOUR_CELL_LINE : "name of Cell line"
- LOW_RES_HIC : "location of hic data"
- CHRO : "chromosome number to be inspected"
This will extract Low Res HiC Contact Matrices in "<Your_Line>/Full_Mats" and will place an enhanced matrix in "<Your_Line>/Full_Enhanced"
To obtain the Insulation Score Identified TAD boundaries run
python enhanced_cell_line chromosome coordinate_file resolution tadfn
python GM12878/Full_Enhanced/full_enh.npy 7 GM12878/Full_Mats_Coords/coords_chr7_res_10000.npy 10000 enh.txt
Because of their size we store our models on our lab server. The trained models used in experiments can be found at