A simple finite element toolbox written in Julia.
Note: This package was originally called JuAFEM.jl, but has now been renamed to Ferrite.jl.
You can install Ferrite from the Pkg REPL:
pkg> add Ferrite
Contributions in all forms (bug reports, documentation, features, suggestions, ...) are very welcome. See CONTRIBUTING for more details.
If you have questions about Ferrite.jl you're welcome to reach out to us on the Julia
Slack under #ferrite-fem
or on Zulip under #Ferrite.jl
Alternatively you can start a new discussion in the discussion forum on the
repository. Feel free to ask us even if you are not sure the problem is with Ferrite.jl.
If you encounter what you think is a bug please report it, see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
Please keep in mind that we are part of the Julia community and adhere to the Julia Community Standards.
The following registered packages are part of the Ferrite.jl
ecosystem in addition to Ferrite itself:
- Tensors.jl: Used throughout Ferrite for efficient tensor manipulation.
- FerriteViz.jl: Makie.jl-based visualization of Ferrite data.
- FerriteGmsh.jl: Create, interact with, and import Gmsh meshes into Ferrite.
- FerriteMeshParser.jl: Parse the mesh from Abaqus input files into a Ferrite mesh.