Python CLI application which supports the workflow with LaTeX documents
pipetex -b main
uses the main.tex file to create a PDF document containing a
bibliography. The compilation is done using LaTeX.
To get more information on how to use the tool, run pipetex -h
Using pip, you can install directly from this repository. The main branch conains the last stable version of the application.
pip install git+
The pipetex application is compatible with Python 3.10 and higher.
The main feature of the tool is to create LaTeX documents. It takes a source file (which may contain a "draft" option) and converts creates finalised PDF documents from them. The sourcefile is not modified in this proccess and no data is lost.
Some additional features:
- Create a bibliography from a given bib database
- Create a glossary
To get a full overview of the classes and functions used in the project, please reffer to the official documentation of this project.
This repo also contains a basic set of requirements and a styleguide to which the code should adhere. For any further questions don't hesitate to write me an e-mail.
If you want to contribute to the project, feel free to contact me under [email protected] or open an issue.