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Requirement Model

George Kandalaft edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 5 revisions

Functional Requirements

Identifier Requirement Description
F1 Log in 1. Manager shall be required to log in the system for all operations except the operations on the login page. 2. The system shall allow the manager to log into the system using their email address and password.
F2 Log out The system shall allow the manager to log out when desired.
F3 Approve Tutors The system shall allow the manager to approve tutors by changing their status to approved and remove unapproved tutors if desired.
F4 View Scheduled Lessons 1. The system shall allow the manager to view the description of past, present, and future scheduled lessons. 2. The system shall show scheduled lessons to the manager in ascending time order by default.
F5 Accept or Reject Group Session Request 1. The system shall allow the manager to accept group session requests and assign the lesson to a specific room. 2. The system shall allow the manager to reject group session requests.
F6 View Information about a Student or Tutor. 1. The system shall allow the manager to view the following information of a student's account: First Name, Last Name, Education Level, Phone Number, Email Address, Rating, Review, Scheduled Lessons, and Payment History. 2. The system shall allow the manager to view the following information of a tutor’s account: First Name, Last Name, Subjects, Courses, Description, Status, Phone Number, Email Address, Rating, Review, Hourly Rate, Scheduled Lessons, and Account Balance.
F7 Search through rooms The system shall allow the manager to search rooms by any of the following criteria: Room Number, Availability, and Capacity.
F8 Search through tutors The system shall allow the manager to search tutors by optionally specifying a query string matching their first and/or last name, and filter by their fulfillment of some criteria and sort either alphabetically or by their average star rating.
F9 Search through students The system shall allow the manager to search students by optionally specifying a query string matching their first and/or last name, and filter by their fulfillment of some criteria and sort either alphabetically or by their average star rating.
F10 Cancel Lessons The system shall allow the manager to cancel any scheduled lesson which they, the tutors or the students initiated.
F11 Modify information about a Tutor The system shall allow the manager to modify any of the following information for a specific tutor’s profile: the Course, Subject, group and individual Price for any product offered by the tutor, their profile bio (TODO) and the reviews on their profile.
F12 Modify The Review of a specific Student The system shall allow the manager to modify the reviews of a specific student's profile.

Non-Functional Requirements

Identifier Requirement Description
NF13 Minimal User Interaction The system shall have a simple design and with automated features to reduce the need for manual user inputs. Managers will be able to schedule rooms for group sessions in seconds, with automated notifications sent to all individuals involved.
NF14 High Speed The system shall allow managers to load and view user profiles in less than 5 seconds.
NF15 Accessibility The system shall be fully operational for use all the time except for scheduled weekly maintenance on Wednesdays from 10-11pm.