My own language is a case sensitive objects oriented . A program consists of class declaration which includes variables declaration and sequence of Methods declarations. Each method consists in turn of variable declarations and statements.
source file of the program | Keywords | Meaning | Return Token |
lexical Analyzer | Type | is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. | Class |
Infer | Inheritance in oop. | Inheritance | |
If—Else | conditional statements | Condition | |
Ipok | Integer type | Integer | |
Sipok | Signed Integer type | SInteger | |
Craf | Char type | Character | |
Sequence | Group of characters | String | |
However/When | repeatedly execute code as long as condition is true | Loop | |
Srap | grouped list of variables placed under one name | Struct | |
Scan –Conditionof | To switch between many cases | Switch | |
1. Program →Start-Symbols ClassDeclaration End-Symbols.
2. Start-Symbols →@| ^
3. End-Symbols→$ |#
4. ClassDeclaration→ Type ID{ Class_Implementation} | Type ID Infer {
5. Class_Implementation→ Variable_Decl Class_Implementation|
Method_Decl Class_Implementation | Comment Class_Implementation |
require_command Class_Implementation| Func _Call
Class_Implementation |em
6. Method_Decl→ Func Decl ;| Func Decl { Variable_Decl Statements }
7. Func Decl →Type ID (ParameterList)
8. Type → Ipok |Sipok |Craf |Sequence |Ipokf |Sipokf |Valueless |Rational
9. ParameterList →em| None | Non-Empty List
10. Non-Empty List→ Type ID | Non-Empty List , Type ID
11. Variable_Decl→ em | Type ID_List ; Variable_Decl | Type ID_List
[ID] ; Variable_Decl
12. ID_List →ID | ID_List , ID
13. Statements→em | Statement Statements
14. Statement→Assignment | If _Statement | However _Statement |
when_Statement | Respondwith _ Statement | Endthis
_Statement|Scanvalur (ID ); | Print (Expression); |
15. Assignment→ Variable_Decl = Expression;
16. Func _Call → ID (Argument_List) ;
17. Argument_List →em | NonEmpty_Argument_List
18. NonEmpty_Argument_List →Expression | NonEmpty_Argument_List ,
19. Block Statements→{ statements }
20. If _Statement→ if (Condition _Expression) Block Statements | if
(Condition _Expression) Block Statements else Block Statements
21. Condition _Expression→ Condition |Condition Condition _Op
22. Condition _Op → && | ||
23. Condition→ Expression Comparison _Op Expression
24. Comparison _Op → == | != | > | >= | < | <=
25. However _Statement → However (Condition _Expression) Block
26. when _Statement → when ( expression ; expression ; expression ) Block
27. Respondwith _Statement→ Respondwith Expression ; | return ID ;
28. Endthis _Statement→ Endthis;
29. Expression → Term |Expression Add_Op Term
30. Add_Op → + | -
31. Term→Factor| Term Mul_Op Factor
32. Mul_Op→* | /
33. Factor→ ID| Number
34. Comment →</ STR /> | ***STR
35. Require_command →Require(F_name.txt);
36. F_name →STR
1- @ Type Person{
2- Rational G() {
3- int frt=5;
4- when (in counter<num){
5- int reg3=reg3-1; } }} $
Line : 1 Token Text: @ Token Type: Start Symbol
Line : 1 Token Text: Type Token Type: Class
Line : 1 Token Text: Person Token Type: Identifier
Line : 1 Token Text: { Token Type: Braces
Line : 2 Token Text: Rational Token Type: Boolean
Line : 2 Token Text: G Token Type: Identifier
Line : 2 Token Text: ( Token Type: Braces
Line : 1 Matched Rule used: Program and ClassDeclaration
Line : 2 Matched Rule used: Func Decl
Line : 3 Not Matched
Total NO of errors: 1
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