Issue #9 - 2nd of October 2023
Issue #9
2nd of October 2023
AI 🤖
- 🚀 Announcing Mistral 7B (MistralAI) | #128kTokens #OpenSource #OpenSourceCode #OpenSourceWeights #SlidingWindowAttention #FlashAndFurious
- 🚀 ChatGPT can now see, hear, and speak (OpenAI) | #ChatGPT #MultiModal #ChatAboutImages
- 🚀 DALL·E 3 is out (OpenAI)
Architecture 📐
- 📝 Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 nodes (OpenAI) | #Kubernetes #Scalability #GPT-3 #CLIP #DALL·E #GPU
- 📝 What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (Ulrich Drepper, RedHat - 2007) | #Memory #Hardware #RAM #CPU #LowLevel
- 📽️ Duck Conf 2023 replay is available 🦆🇫🇷 | #Conference #Architecture #InformationSystem #SovereignCloud #DevOps #SRE #Analytics #Platform #GreenIT
- 🗓️ Duck Conf 2024 will be 26th of March 🦆🇫🇷 | #Conference #Architecture
- 🗓️ PGConf NYC 2023 is this week | #PostgreSQL #Conference
- 🧰 Thoughtworks Technology Radar #29 (Sept. 2023) | #Technology #Radar #AIAssistedSoftwareDevelopment #HowProductiveIsMeasuringProductivity #LLM #DataProduct #DataProductThinking #RemoteSoftwareDelivery
Cloud ☁️
- 📝 The State of Serverless 2023 (Datadog) | #Serverless #Adoption #FullyManagedContainerBasedServerless #GCP #AWS #Lambda #AZF
- 🚀 Azure CLI 2.53.0 is out | #Azure #CLI
- 🚀 Azure Functions: Node.js v4 programming model is Generally Available (Microsoft) | #AZF #NodeJS
- 🚀 Support for Python 3.11 in Azure Functions generally available (Microsoft) | #AZF #Python
- 🐦 CRUD System vs Event Sourcing illustrated (Alex Xu) | #DynamicWorldBuilding #EventSourcing
- 📝 Evolution Patterns of Sociotechnical Systems (Amal Tahri @ DDDEurope2023)
Data 💾
- 📝 Scaling Kafka to Support PayPal’s Data Growth | by Monish Koppa (The PayPal Technology Blog) | #Paypal #Kafka #ClusterManagement #Monitoring #TrillionsOfMessagesPerDay #MoreThan85NodesKafkaCluster
- 🚀 Apache Spark 3.5.0 is out | #GolangSupport #StructuredStreaming #ArrowPythonUDFs #DistributedML #RocksDB
- 🚀 DuckDB 0.9.0 (Undulata) is out | #DuckDB #AWS #Azure #WASM #PySpark
DevOps 🛠️
- 📝 What happened at KubeCon Shanghai 2023 (Mauricio Salatino) | #Conference #Kubernetes #KMesh #Koordinator #Volcano #AI #Platform #FinOps #Dapr
- 📝 Why should I care about OpenTofu? (Marcin Wyszynski) | #OpenTofu #Terraform #Roadmap
- 📝 A Practical Step-by-Step Approach to Building a Platform (The New Stack, Hemanth Kavuluru) | #Roadmap #UseCases #Infrastructure #DeploymentAsAService #SRE #FinOps #Backstage #Rafay
- 📝 The Modernization Imperative: Shifting left is for suckers. Shift down instead (Richard Seroter, Google Cloud Blog) | #ShiftLeft #ShiftDown #EmpowerDevelopersThroughPlatformEngineering
Product Management 📦
- 📝 Product Principles at GitLab - Core organizational principles to build world class products | #AlwaysBeLearning #YouAreNotTheCustomer #BeDataDriven #MinimalViableChange #LearnFromFailures #ConventionOverConfiguration #AlwaysAllowForDeployingInProduction
Python 🐍
- 📝 Bypassing the GIL for Parallel Processing in Python (Real Python) | #Parallelism #Concurrency #CPU #IO #MultiThread #GIL
- 🚀 Pydantic 2.4.2 is out | #BugFix
Software Engineering ⚙️
- 📝 How I used GitHub Copilot Chat to build a ReactJS gallery prototype (The GitHub Blog, Senna Parsa) | #GithubCopilot #AIAssistedSoftwareDevelopment #ReactJS #Prototype #CopilotChat #Prompt #UnitTests
- 📝 How we reduced the size of our JavaScript bundles by 33% (Dropbox, Umair Nadeem and Rich Hong) | #JavaScript #Packaging #CodeSplitting #TreeShaking #Rollup
- 📝 Why are Cloud Development Environments Spiking in Popularity, Now? (Gergely Orosz) | #CDE #RemoteSoftwareDelivery #Monorepo #Productivity #Gitpod #Stackblitz #DevZero #Devpods
- 🗓️ Hacktoberfest 2023 has started | #Hacktoberfest #10thAnniversary #OpenSource #PullRequests