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Cheat Sheet

Command Action Mode
ws Clears extra whitespace Normal, Visual
hws Clears extra whitespace highlighting Normal, Visual
cc comments out current or selected lines Normal, Visual
s Fuzzy search through the output of git ls-files command, respects .gitignore Normal
gs Greps the filepath for the word under the cursor Normal
ff Lists files in your current working directory, respects .gitignore Normal
s Goto the definition of the word under the cursor Normal
td Goto the type definition of the word under the cursor Normal
im Goto the implementation of the word under the cursor Normal
r Lists LSP references for word under the cursor Normal
inserts fat arrow => Insert
inserts pipe |> Insert
insert emoji Insert
function completion via omnifunc Insert
gd vim.lsp.buf.definition Normal
gD vim.lsp.buf.declaration Normal
K vim.lsp.buf.hover Normal
gi vim.lsp.buf.implementation Normal
gr vim.lsp.buf.references Normal
vim.lsp.buf.signature_help Normal
D vim.lsp.buf.type_definition Normal
rn vim.lsp.buf.rename Normal
f vim.lsp.buf.format Normal