Powershell reads in values, copies template files and replaces what's required to deploy a new C2 teamserver on EC2 and handle post-config with ansible playbooks.
With and Without S3 Backend for Terraform
Need terraform, the azure CLI, the aws CLI. WSL is recommended.
choco install terraform -y
choco install awscli -y
choco install az -y
Run Deploy.ps1 to generate a keyvault, lock it down, store secrets, handle templating and deploy the server
# Define your parameters in a hashtable, pass it to the deploy script. Values will be passed to the sub-scripts by pipeline property name.
# Generate a new Keyvault, read in the DNS secrets and use a local backend to deploy (no $s3enabled, broken right now)
$params = @{
# BUCKET = "mrbucket"
# BUCKETKEY = "sorrowsettc2"
# BUCKETREGION = "us-east-1"
EC2NAME = "sorrowsettc2"
EC2SIZE = "t2.micro"
USERNAME = "bosshog"
AZREGION = "east-us"
VAULTNAME = "sorrowsettc2"
VAULTGROUP = "sorrowsettc2"
genKeyVault = $true
DOMAINNAME = "phishery"
SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_LOCATION = "~\.ssh\id_rsa.pub"
s3enabled = $false
.\Deploy.ps1 @params
$WINDOWSUSER = "Administrator"
wsl sudo cp /mnt/c/Users/$WINDOWSUSER/.ssh/id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa
wsl sudo chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
wsl sudo ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ~/roles -r requirements.yml
wsl export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg
wsl sudo ansible-playbook -i ./inventory.yml deploy.yml
Spin up Operator VM on AWS
Terraform to create server, networking and users
Ansible to further configure, install Docker/Compose, containers , tools, configure services
- Parameters:
- Parameters:
public_key = file("${var.SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_LOCATION}")
- Current public IP addres is passed to
- wooo!
- Change it if you want a different
Gathers facts and installs the rolerequirements.yml
(or optionally installs them to the local path of the project) for the project. It sets variables for the Kasm installation, and kicks off installing those roles in that order.
- Sets the python interpreter, SSH/authorized keys, user/permissions and groups, pip/docker options and timezone to be used as the roles deploy
- Ansible starts doing the work installing the roles using the variables set in the inventory.
- weareinteractive.users = Users/Groups/Keys
- geerlingguy.pip, geerlingguy.ntp = Handles pip and NTP
- geerlingguy.security = Mostly SSH security. Auto-updates, fail2ban, etc
- viasite-ansible.zsh = installs zsh
- docker = Checks for Docker, Installs clean with Compose
- os = upgrade, locale, swap partition, etc
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
export DO_PAT=""
terraform apply -auto-approve -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}"
terraform destroy -auto-approve -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}"
terraform apply 2>&1 | tee apply.txt
terraform apply 2>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath apply.txt
terraform apply -auto-approve -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "zt_token=${ZEROTIER_CENTRAL_TOKEN}"
ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ~/roles -r requirements.yml
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy.yml