This repository contains an implementation of Deep Future Gaze: Gaze Anticipation on Egocentric Videos Using Adversarial Networks by Mengmi Zhang, Keng Teck Ma, Joo Hwee Lim, Qi Zhao, and Jiashi Feng, presented at CVPR 2017.
Please go to CVPR website for downloads. An unofficial copy is downloadable Here.
Supplementary Material is downloadable Here.
Our TPAMI paper is accepted which is an extended version of CVPR paper. An unofficial copy is downloadable Here.
Supplementary Material is downloadable Here.
We introduce a new problem of gaze anticipation on egocentric videos. This substantially extends the conventional gaze prediction problem to future frames by no longer confining it on the current frame. To solve this problem, we propose a new generative adversarial neural network based model, Deep Future Gaze (DFG). DFG generates multiple future frames conditioned on the single current frame and anticipates corresponding future gazes in next few seconds.
We now provide extension of our CVPR work by adding in a DFG-P pathway in parallel to our CVPR work (DFG-G) pathway. DFG-P pathway predicts gaze prior maps based on the task information extracted at the current frame. With fusion of this task-specific pathway and DFG-G, our model significantly boosts up gaze anticipation performance.
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Ground Truth | Anticipated Gaze | Generated Future Frames |
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Foreground | Background | Mask |
The code requires a Torch7 installation. It is developed based on Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics.
Matio package is also required (save and load matlab arrays from Torch). Refer to link for installation.
It can be trained both on GPU and CPU. In order to train on GPU, 12GB or larger GPU memory is required.
Clone the repository
git clone
In /torchMM
Run "main_GAN.lua" to start training GAN
Run "generateGAN.lua" to test the performance of GAN
Run "main_gazePred.lua" to start training gaze prediction module
Run "generateGaze.lua" to generate future gazes and save .mat in /results folder
Run "main_gazePrior.lua" to start training gaze prior map generation module
Run "generateGazePrior.lua" to generate gaze prior maps and save .mat in /results folder
In /matlab
Run "computeAUCAAEAdversarial_gtea_fusion.m" to fuse the temporal saliency maps with gaze prior maps to produce the final anticipated gaze locations
We have trained and tested on three egocentric datasets.
They are available Here.
we contribute this new dataset for the object search task. This dataset consists of 57 sequences on search and retrieval tasks performed by 55 subjects. Each video clip lasts for around 15 minutes with the frame rate 10 fps and frame resolution 480 by 640. Each subject is asked to search for a list of 22 items (including lanyard, laptop) and move them to the packing location (dining table). Details about the 22 items are provided in Supplementary Material. We select frames near the packing location and use videos 1 to 7 as test set and the rest for training and validation. The selected frame list is provided in 'OSdatasetProcess/OStable.mat'.
In /OSdatasetProcess
Run "GenerateFrameOSDataset.m" to generate frames
Run "GenerateGazeOSDatast.m" to generate ground truth gaze recorded from eyetrackder
Run "GenerateAdversarialTrainingImage.m" to generate training images (consisting of concated 32 frames in one image)
Run "GenerateAdversarialTrainingMask.m" to generate gaussian masked fixation maps (consisting of concated 32 fixation maps in one image)
The dataset is avaialbe Part1(640x480 resolution videos with frame rate 10Hz), Part2, Part3(1280x960 resolution videos with frame rate 24Hz).
The eyetracking ground truth is in OSdatasetProcess/VXY folder.
We provide the souce codes of comparative methods used in our experiments. They can be download from HERE. These methods include: AIM, AWS, Itti, SUN, ImSig, GBVS, Center Bias, AWSD, OBDL, SALICON (refer to our paper for respective descriptions) and variants of our DFG model. We modified their source codes in order to test on our datasets. One can also directly download their original source codes from their websites.
Run "+pami/setup.m" for path configurations before running the following scripts.
This includes AIM, AWS, Itti, SUN, ImSig, GBVS, Center Bias and SALICON.
Run "+pami/MMComputeAAEAUCAdversial_future_holly.m" to test these methods on future frames in Hollywood2 Dataset.
Run "+pami/MMComputeAAEAUCAdversialCurrentFrame_hollywood.m" to test these methods on current frames.
Run "salicon/MMsalicon_holly_train.lua" to train SALICON model.
Run "salicon/MMsalicon_holly_test_current.lua" to test SALICON model on current frames.
Run "salicon/MMsalicon_holly_test_future.lua" to test SALICON model on future frames.
Run "+pami/computeAUCAAEAdversarialSALICON_holly.m" to evaluate the performance of SALICON model on future frames.
One can easily generalize by modifying the directory to test on other datasets.
This includes AWSD and OBDL.
Run "AWSD/MM_AWSD.m" to test AWSD.
Run "+pami/MMComputeAAEAUCAdversial_future_holly_AWSD.m" to evaluate AWSD on future frames.
Run "OBDL/SOURCE/main.m" to test OBDL.
Run "+pami/MMComputeAAEAUCAdversial_future_holly_OBDL.m" to evaluate OBDL on future frames.
Run "+pami/computeAUCAAEAdversarial_holly_DFGP.m" to evaluate DFG-P pathway alone.
Run "+pami/computeAUCAAEAdversarial_holly_fusion_gaussprior.m" to evaluate DFG-G pathway + Gaze distribution map (see our TPAMI paper for details).
Run "+pami/computeAUCAAEAdversarial_holly_gausspriorAlone.m" to evaluate Gaze distribution map alone.
The source code is for illustration purpose only. You can download and run directly. Note that /dataset folder only contains a few training samples for the code to run.
In order to train the network, you must download GTEA, GTEAPlus and our Object Search Dataset. Sample codes for pre-processing datasets are provided in /OSdatasetProcess folder.
We provide the pre-trained models (GAN, DFG-G and DFG-P pathways) trained on egocentric videos of subject 2 - 5 in GTEA+ Dataset and one may feel free to download them from HERE.
Refer to Readme.txt for the detailed description of each file.
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore