This is a basic CRUD API made with the latest version of Laravel (9.x), a popular framework made on top of PHP. The project makes use of Service Layer-Repository Pattern in order to keep the code clean and organized, custom authentication, and authorization with the help of Spatie's permission package.
Follow the steps below in order to start using this application.
$ php artisan db:create
$ php artisan migrate
$php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Use the following endpoints in order to test the application.
User Register: POST localhost:8000/api/register
User Login: POST localhost:8000/api/login
User Logout: POST localhost:8000/api/login
List Roles: GET localhost:8000/api/roles
Get Role: GET localhost:8000/api/roles/3
Add Role: POST localhost:8000/api/roles
Update Role: PUT localhost:8000/api/roles/3
Delete Role: DELETE localhost:8000/api/roles/3
Search Keyword: GET localhost:8000/api/roles?search=lorem
List Articles: GET localhost:8000/api/articles
Get Article: GET localhost:8000/api/articles/3
Add Article: POST localhost:8000/api/articles
Update Article: PUT localhost:8000/api/articles/3
Delete Article: DELETE localhost:8000/api/articles/3
Search Keyword: GET localhost:8000/api/articles?search=lorem
List Users: GET localhost:8000/api/users
Get User: GET localhost:8000/api/users/3
Update User: PUT localhost:8000/api/users/3
Delete User: DELETE localhost:8000/api/users/3
Search Keyword: GET localhost:8000/api/users?search=lorem
Node: If you're using Postman to test this API, don't forget to add HTTP Header key "Accept" with the value "application/json".