This project aims to understand twitter data through visualisations, transforming some features, and preparing it for appropriate modelling - topic modelling and sentiment analysis
Data source For this Project was given as sampled twitter data. (can be found in data folder)
git clone
cd Twitter-Data-Analysis
pip install -r requirements.txt
This folder holds the nooteboks used to process and visualize the data
Data exploration and Preprocessing - holds Data Exploratory features and visualizations
This folder holds the data of the project
This folder holds unit test files
First download dataset from here. then extracted it and get two json file data (global_twitter_data.json, and africa_twitter_data.json) after that create a git branch “bugfix” to fix the bugs in the and To fix the bugs in, you have to carefully consider the data type conversion in pandas dataframe. Furthermore, removing or dropping unimportant rows or columns is the purpose of this challenge