An cpp implementation of 3D A* and JPS algorithm demo for ROS,more details can be found at
- Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04. ROS Kinetic.
- Eigen
- Clone this repository to your catkin workspace and catkin_make.
git clone
cd ../
- Run the rviz with specified configuration.
the path of configuration file:~/catkin_ws/src/grid_path_searcher/launch/rviz_config/demo.rviz
- Launch the package.
roslaunch grid_path_searcher demo.launch
Normally, you will find a complex randomly generated map in Rviz. The sparsity of obstacles in this map can be tuned in demo.launch. At this time, you can select a goal for the A* or JPS algorithm by using the 3D Nav Goal tool.
- The result
You will find two paths. The path formed by black cubes is calculated by the A * algorithm,and another path formed by white cubes is calculated by the JPS. They are different,but they're both optimal.
A* and JPS