In this challenge, you will write the logic for THIS APP.
- Node >=18.x
- NPM >=8.x (update NPM executing
npm i -g npm
) - Unix-like shell (Gitbash/bash/zsh)
- Chrome >= 100.x
❗ Other configurations might work but haven't been tested.
- Fork, clone, and
npm install
. You won't need to add any extra libraries. - Launch the project in a development server executing
npm run dev
. - Visit your app by navigating Chrome to
. - Run tests locally executing
npm test
. The local test file iscodegrade_mvp.test.js
Open the live prototype linked above and study its functionality using the following Chrome Dev Tools:
- Elements tab shows the exact DOM rendered as we interact with the UI. Look at texts but also at class names.
- Network tab shows the HTTP messages. "Payload" shows the request payload from the client (if any) and "Preview" shows the response payload from the server.
- Redux Extension tab shows application state, as well as the actions that fire on user interaction. These actions commonly carry payloads but not always.
- The routes don't lose their state by navigating the links back and forth:
- Current position of the "B" in the wheel is maintained.
- Current quiz question stays loaded.
- Values inside the form are kept.
- The endpoint to fetch the next quiz is rather slow, and a "Loading next quiz" shows instead of the quiz while it arrives.
- A next quiz is only requested if there is no quiz already in app state, or by submitting an answer.
- The "Submit answer" button in the quiz stays disabled until an answer is selected.
- Once an answer is selected, the only way to unselect it is by selecting the other answer.
- The "Submit new quiz" button in the form stays disabled until all inputs have values such that
value.trim().length > 0
. - Submitting a new quiz successfully adds it to the roster of questions that cycle through the quiz screen.
- The structure of the HTML (hierarchy, ids, class names, texts on buttons etc) must match those of the prototype exactly.
The endpoints needed for this project are the following:
[GET] http://localhost:9000/api/quiz/next
- The response to a proper request includes
200 OK
and the next quiz object
- The response to a proper request includes
[POST] http://localhost:9000/api/quiz/new
- Expects a payload with the following properties:
- Example of payload:
{ "question_text": "Love JS?", "true_answer_text": "yes", "false_answer_text": "nah" }
- The response to a proper request includes
201 Created
and the newly created quiz object - A malformed client payload will result in a
422 Unprocessable Entity
response with a reason
- Expects a payload with the following properties:
[POST] http://localhost:9000/api/quiz/answer
- Expects a payload with the following properties:
- Example of payload:
{ "quiz_id": "LVqUh", "answer_id": "0VEv0" }
- A response to a proper request includes
200 OK
and feedback on the answer
- Expects a payload with the following properties:
❗ Test drive all these endpoints with Postman before starting with the project.
In order to complete this project, you must fix the following modules:
- The Form is already connected to the Redux store, you'll have to connect the rest of components.
- The action types, action creators and reducers provided are sufficient to achieve MVP without adding new ones.
- You are welcome to build your own reducers, action types and creators from scratch, as long as all tests pass.
- The async action creators are marked as such.
- Don't install new npm dependencies or upgrade existing ones.
❗ ALL AUTOMATIC TESTS MUST PASS, ❗ except for tests 12 and 13 which are currently under maintenance and are skipped. ❗ The functionality covered by 12 and 13 should be checked by hand and eyeball in Chrome.
- Without breaking any tests, see to randomizing the order in which answers appear.