The purpose of this git repo is to test the functionality of the 'git clean -df' command
Supposedly, the 'git clean -df' command deletes all unstaged modified, unstaged newly created files, and unstaged newly created folders beyond the last commit
is a newly created file and folder deleted and are the modifications made to an existing file removed when using the 'git clean -df' command?
create fileA -> commit -> modify fileA -> create fileB -> create folder -> use 'git clean -df' command -> was the modification removed and was the newly created file and folder deleted?
No, the unstaged and modified existing file was not deleted, and yes, the newly created file and folder were deleted.
create file -> modify file -> use 'git clean -df' command -> was the file deleted?
Yes, the newly created and modified unstaged file is deleted.
The 'git clean -df' command deletes all unstaged newly created files and all unstaged newly created folders, but not all unstaged modified files.