This is the site where we share and update code and protocols for the Michigan Mycology Lab.
Protocols where you need mark up (images, etc.) can be added to the Wiki as new pages.
R scripts for creating NMDS plots from QIIME OTU tables
This folder contains instuctions on how to connect to the flux as well as notes about the configuration, a list of useful unix commands, and instructions on setting up an interactive job.
R scripts and example files for analysis of haplotypes
Instructions on how to run Maker for protein prediction.
Alisha & Alex's QIIME work
Instructions and example files for running ESOM
Instructions on downloading SRA data to the flux
Pacbio stuff???
Instructions and example files for running raxml and mrbayes on the flux.
Instructions and example files on how to pull phylogenetic markers from genomes, concatenate them, and infer a tree using the Spatafora et al. 2016 pipeline.
How to assemble and bin simple metagenomic data.
Kevin's contribution. Electric collection of scripts that may need to be re-categorized.
[under construction]
[under construction]
[under construction]
A list of useful scripts generated by other people and links to them
[under construction]
Explanation of regular expressions in R
Brief instructions on running blast locally.
How to connect to the lsa server via pc
[under construction]