Releases: MicroFocus/ppm-jira-connector
v3.2 for older PPM 10.0.2-
v3.2 of PPM Jira Server connector for older PPM versions (10.0.2-)
Includes all fixes of v3.2, but new APIs & Classes of Request Integration introduced in PPM 10.0.3 have been removed.
v3.0 (10.0.3+)
- Support for Jira Server 9+
- Support for request integration sync directions (introduced in PPM 10.0.3).
Only works with PPM 10.0.3+
This version of the Connector is bundled in PPM 2023
v2.0 (bundled with PPM 9.60)
This version of the Jira connector is only supported for PPM 9.5+.
Request integration will only work with PPM 9.55+.
- Bug Fixes
- Better support for list fields in Request Integration
- Not sending "content-type" header anymore when doing GET HTTP call to Jira server
The Timesheet Integration for that connector will ONLY work for PPM 9.5+, it will not work anymore on PPM 9.4X
Bug Fixes:
- Fixing Portfolio Epics creation, which was sending an error even though the Epic was successfully created in Jira.
Important note for PPM 9.42 GA users
If you want to deploy this connector on PPM 9.42 GA, you need to deploy the attached hotfix 942-HOTFIX-QCIM1L65323-QCCR1L65323-V1.jar942-HOTFIX-QCIM1L65323-QCCR1L65323-V1.jar
This is not required if you're running PPM 9.41, PPM 9.42.000X or a later version.
v1.3 (bundled with PPM 9.50)
The Timesheet Integration for that connector will ONLY work for PPM 9.5+, it will not work anymore on PPM 9.4X
New Features
- "Request Integration" support (PPM 9.50 only) - can sync a PPM request with a Jira Issue type.
- Bi-directional fields sync - Only supports text fields & user fields mapping for now.
- Support of new 9.50 Timesheet integration, with auto-mapping supported. New options for timesheet import:
- Group Lines by Epic, Version, Project, Board
- Convert Story Points to Hours
- Normalize hours to a fixed value each day (per day or total hours)
- Officially certified for Jira Cloud
Bug Fixes:
- Better error reporting when authentication fails in Timesheet & Work plan sync.
- Upon error, Logs now include full URL, JSon Payload & Response from Jira for easier troubleshooting.
Important note for PPM 9.42 GA users
If you want to deploy this connector on PPM 9.42 GA, you need to deploy the attached hotfix 942-HOTFIX-QCIM1L65323-QCCR1L65323-V1.jar942-HOTFIX-QCIM1L65323-QCCR1L65323-V1.jar
This is not required if you're running PPM 9.41, PPM 9.42.000X or a later version.
v1.2.0 beta
This version is still in beta and is not considered stable
The Timesheet Integration for that connector will ONLY work for PPM 9.5+, it will not work anymore on PPM 9.4X
New Features
- Rewrite of Timesheet import feature to align with PPM 9.50 new Agile Timesheet import functions.
- Provides more import options (select one project, group imported lines by Project/Epic/Issue).
- Choice between importing logged time or converting story points done to hours (or both)
- Possibility to normalize imported time (per day or per total effort) to ensure constant logged time per working day
Bug Fixes:
- Properly sync Epic Status + Epic Milestones Status
- Do not create Epic milestones if Epics are not selected to be imported
v1.1.1 beta
This version is still in beta and is not considered stable
Bug Fixes:
- Do not try to retrieve ProjectTypeKey when parsing projects list JSon.