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MihailJP committed Apr 4, 2014
2 parents 38c5eeb + 450c55f commit 76d5f2a
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Showing 32 changed files with 477 additions and 25 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Gbreve.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Gbreve
Encoding: 286 286 968
Width: 750
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 265 728 S 1 0 0 1 250 200 2
Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" G brevecmb
Colour: ffff
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Vend.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
StartChar: Vend
Encoding: 42856 42856 971
Width: 700
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 400 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
250 0 m 1
600 350 l 1
600 550 l 1
550 600 l 1025
375 600 m 1
325 550 l 1
325 -150 l 1
275 -200 l 1
275 -200 248 -150 150 -150 c 3
81 -150 50 -200 50 -200 c 1033
50 550 m 1
50 550 84 600 124 600 c 3
160 600 178 575 200 575 c 3
228 575 250 600 251 600 c 1025
Layer: 2
200 550 m 5
200 -125 l 1029
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Vendacute.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Vendacute
Encoding: 60346 60346 974
Width: 700
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 99 180 N 1 0 0 1 200 200 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend acutecmb
Colour: ffff
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Venddotaccent.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Venddotaccent
Encoding: 58343 58343 973
Width: 700
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 269 729 S 1 0 0 1 200 200 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend dotaccentcmb
Colour: ffff
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Venddotbelow.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
StartChar: Venddotbelow
Encoding: 58342 58342 972
Width: 700
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 400 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 357 803 S 1 0 0 1 650 0 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend dotbelowcmb
Colour: ffff
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/_Wynn.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
StartChar: Wynn
Encoding: 503 503 970
Width: 700
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 400 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
250 0 m 1
600 350 l 1
600 475 l 1
375 600 l 1
325 550 l 1
325 -150 l 1
275 -200 l 1
275 -200 248 -150 150 -150 c 3
81 -150 50 -200 50 -200 c 1033
50 550 m 1
50 550 84 600 124 600 c 3
160 600 178 575 200 575 c 3
228 575 250 600 251 600 c 1025
Layer: 2
200 550 m 1
200 -125 l 1029
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/font.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ FSType: 0
OS2Version: 3
OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
CreationTime: 1396074233
ModificationTime: 1396076216
CreationTime: 1396607466
ModificationTime: 1396607466
PfmFamily: 65
TTFWeight: 700
TTFWidth: 5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ KernClass2: 27 9 "Kerning-1"
430 h m n p ntilde thorn hcircumflex hbar nacute ncaron wynn hdotaccent hdotbelow macute mdotaccent mdotbelow ndotaccent ndotbelow pacute pdotaccent pbar pflourish psquirrel thornbar thornbarbelow vend hacute mmacron mringbelow ncircumflex nmacron nringbelow pmacron pdotbelow thorn_longs thornbar_longs thorndotbelow hbar_longs venddotbelow venddotaccent mecmb g_p longs_h longs_p h_longs vendacute ppdieresis p_p a_n a_p a_thorn c_h
1013 b o v w ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash omacron obreve ohungarumlaut wcircumflex hv ocaron oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute odieresismacron odotaccent bdotaccent bdotbelow omacronacute vdotbelow wgrave wacute wdieresis wdotaccent wdotbelow wring odotbelow ohookabove a_o a_v avslash obiit o_o vslash bacute oogonekdotbelow oogonekacute oogonekcircumflex omacronbreve odieresisacute odieresiscircumflex oring oacmb oecmb oicmb oucmb ovcmb oslashmacron oslashmacronbreve oslashogonek oslashogonekacute vacute vcircumflex vdieresis vring vhungarumlaut vdotaccent vmacron whungarumlaut wecmb wocmb wmacron oocmb wacmb wicmb wucmb wvcmb q_v avslashacute aohungarumlaut avhungarumlaut oogonekhungarumlaut oslashhungarumlaut oslashdotaccent oogonekdotaccent oslashdotbelow oodieresis oslashmacronacute oslashbreve avogonek odotaccentacute oogonekdotaccentacute oslashdotaccentacute b_b g_o aoacute avacute ooacute oohungarumlaut aodotbelow avdotbelow oodotbelow v.alt vdotbelow.alt w.alt wdotbelow.alt
591 c e ae ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron oe aemacron aeacute emacronacute edotbelow oeloop zvisigoth aemacronacute aemacronbreve aebreve aeogonek aehungarumlaut aedieresis aedotaccent cdotbelow cogonek edotbelowacute eogonekacute eogonekcircumflex emacronbreve eogonekmacron evcmb edotaccentacute edieresismacron ering ehungarumlaut eacmb eicmb eogonekdotbelow eogonekhungarumlaut eogonekdotaccent eogonekdotaccentacute oeacute oemacron oemacronbreve aering aeogonekacute eecmb eocmb oehungarumlaut o_c
167 d g q eth dcroat gcircumflex gdotaccent eng gacute ddotaccent ddotbelow qbar qslash con dacute ethdotbelow qmacron qdotaccent qdotbelow qbartilde b_g g_g g_d g_eth a_g
174 d g q eth dcroat gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent eng gacute ddotaccent ddotbelow qbar qslash con dacute ethdotbelow qmacron qdotaccent qdotbelow qbartilde b_g g_g g_d g_eth a_g
524 i j l igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis imacron ibreve iogonek dotlessi ij jcircumflex lacute lslash dotlessj ldotbelow ihookabove idotbelow lbroken imacronacute imacronbreve ihungarumlaut ibreveinvertedbelow iecmb ivcmb jdotbelow jacute jmacron jhungarumlaut lmacron ldotaccentabove lringbelow iacmb iocmb iucmb jecmb longs_i longs_l longs_longs_i longs_longs_l jdieresis idotaccentacute f_j a_l m.alt n.alt h.alt l_l longs_j f_i f_l f_f_i f_f_l dotlessiogonek dotlessidotbelow dotlessibreveinvertedbelow dotlessjdotbelow
20 dcaron lcaron tcaron
68 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron sdotaccent sdotbelow um longs_s
Expand All @@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ KernClass2: 27 9 "Kerning-1"
109 B D Eth Thorn Dcaron Dcroat Bdotaccent Bdotbelow Ddotaccent Ddotbelow Bacute Dacute Ethdotbelow Thorndotbelow
481 C E AE Ccedilla Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Cacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Ccaron Emacron Ebreve Edotaccent Eogonek Ecaron OE AEmacron AEacute Emacronacute Edotbelow AEdotbelow AEmacronacute AEmacronbreve AEbreve AEogonek AEhungarumlaut AEdieresis AEdotaccent Cdotbelow Cogonek Eogonekacute Emacronbreve Eogonekmacron Edotaccentacute Ehungarumlaut Eacmb Eogonekdotbelow Eogonekhungarumlaut Eogonekdotaccent Eogonekdotaccentacute OEacute OEmacron OEmacronbreve OEhungarumlaut
516 F O Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Obreve Ohungarumlaut Ocaron Oogonek Oogonekmacron Oslashacute Odieresismacron Odotaccent Fdotaccent Omacronacute Odotbelow Ohookabove Fdotbelow Facute Oogonekdotbelow Oogonekacute Omacronbreve Odieresiscircumflex Oecmb Oucmb Oslashmacron Oslashmacronbreve Oslashogonek Oslashogonekacute Oogonekhungarumlaut Oslashhungarumlaut Oslashdotaccent Oogonekdotaccent Oslashdotbelow Oslashmacronacute Oslashbreve Odotaccentacute Oogonekdotaccentacute Oslashdotaccentacute
99 G H R Gcircumflex Gdotaccent Hcircumflex Racute Rcaron Gacute Hdotaccent Hdotbelow Gdotbelow Hacute
106 G H R Gcircumflex Gbreve Gdotaccent Hcircumflex Racute Rcaron Gacute Hdotaccent Hdotbelow Gdotbelow Hacute
266 I J L Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis Ibreve Iogonek Idotaccent IJ Jcircumflex Lacute Lcaron Lslash Ldotbelow Ihookabove Idotbelow Imacronacute Imacronbreve Ihungarumlaut Jdotbelow Jacute Jmacron Jdotaccent Jhungarumlaut Ldotaccentabove Jdieresis Idotaccentacute
29 K Kacute Kdotbelow Kdotaccent
89 M N Ntilde Nacute Ncaron Macute Mdotaccent Mdotbelow Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Mmacron Nmacron
29 P Pacute Pdotaccent Pdotbelow
76 P Wynn Pacute Pdotaccent Vend Pdotbelow Venddotbelow Venddotaccent Vendacute
22 Q Qdotaccent Qdotbelow
57 S Sacute Scircumflex Scedilla Scaron Sdotaccent Sdotbelow
53 T Togonek Tdotbelow Tdotaccent Tacute Tcedilla Tcaron
201 U Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex Udieresis Ubreve Uring Uhungarumlaut Uogonek Ucaron Udieresismacron Udotbelow Uhookabove Umacronacute Umacronbreve Udotaccent Udieresiscircumflex Uecmb Uocmb Udotaccentacute
165 V W X Wcircumflex HV Vdotbelow Wgrave Wacute Wdieresis Wdotaccent Wdotbelow Vacute Vcircumflex Vdieresis Vhungarumlaut Vdotaccent Vmacron Whungarumlaut Wecmb Wmacron
36 Z Zacute Zdotaccent Zcaron Zdotbelow
1975 a c d e g o q x agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ae ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis eth ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash amacron abreve aogonek cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron gcircumflex gdotaccent eng omacron obreve ohungarumlaut oe ocaron aemacron oogonek oogonekmacron gacute aeacute oslashacute adotaccent odieresismacron odotaccent ascript ddotaccent ddotbelow emacronacute omacronacute adotbelow ahookabove abreveacute edotbelow odotbelow ohookabove a_a a_o a_u a_v avslash a_y obiit oeloop o_o qbar qslash con dum aogonekacute amacronacute amacronbreve adieresiscircumflex adotbelowdieresis aringcircumflex ahungarumlaut aecmb aocmb avcmb aedotbelow aemacronacute aemacronbreve aebreve aeogonek aehungarumlaut aedieresis aedotaccent cdotbelow cogonek dacute ethdotbelow edotbelowacute eogonekacute eogonekcircumflex emacronbreve eogonekmacron evcmb edotaccentacute edieresismacron ering ehungarumlaut eacmb eicmb eogonekdotbelow eogonekhungarumlaut eogonekdotaccent eogonekdotaccentacute gdotbelow oogonekdotbelow oogonekacute oogonekcircumflex omacronbreve odieresisacute odieresiscircumflex oring oacmb oecmb oicmb oucmb ovcmb oslashmacron oslashmacronbreve oslashogonek oslashogonekacute oeacute oemacron oemacronbreve qmacron qdotaccent qdotbelow qbartilde q_rrotunda q_etfin aering aeogonekacute aicmb aucmb eecmb eocmb oocmb g_r q_v g_p avslashacute aohungarumlaut avhungarumlaut oogonekhungarumlaut oslashhungarumlaut oehungarumlaut oslashdotaccent oogonekdotaccent oslashdotbelow oodieresis oslashmacronacute oslashbreve avogonek adotaccentacute odotaccentacute oogonekdotaccentacute oslashdotaccentacute c_k c_t g_g g_d g_eth g_o a_f a_g a_l a_n a_p a_r a_Rsmallcap a_thorn o_c aaacute aoacute auacute avacute ooacute aahungarumlaut oohungarumlaut aadotaccent aydotaccent aadotbelow aodotbelow audotbelow avdotbelow aydotbelow oodotbelow aadieresis c_h
1982 a c d e g o q x agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ae ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis eth ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash amacron abreve aogonek cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent eng omacron obreve ohungarumlaut oe ocaron aemacron oogonek oogonekmacron gacute aeacute oslashacute adotaccent odieresismacron odotaccent ascript ddotaccent ddotbelow emacronacute omacronacute adotbelow ahookabove abreveacute edotbelow odotbelow ohookabove a_a a_o a_u a_v avslash a_y obiit oeloop o_o qbar qslash con dum aogonekacute amacronacute amacronbreve adieresiscircumflex adotbelowdieresis aringcircumflex ahungarumlaut aecmb aocmb avcmb aedotbelow aemacronacute aemacronbreve aebreve aeogonek aehungarumlaut aedieresis aedotaccent cdotbelow cogonek dacute ethdotbelow edotbelowacute eogonekacute eogonekcircumflex emacronbreve eogonekmacron evcmb edotaccentacute edieresismacron ering ehungarumlaut eacmb eicmb eogonekdotbelow eogonekhungarumlaut eogonekdotaccent eogonekdotaccentacute gdotbelow oogonekdotbelow oogonekacute oogonekcircumflex omacronbreve odieresisacute odieresiscircumflex oring oacmb oecmb oicmb oucmb ovcmb oslashmacron oslashmacronbreve oslashogonek oslashogonekacute oeacute oemacron oemacronbreve qmacron qdotaccent qdotbelow qbartilde q_rrotunda q_etfin aering aeogonekacute aicmb aucmb eecmb eocmb oocmb g_r q_v g_p avslashacute aohungarumlaut avhungarumlaut oogonekhungarumlaut oslashhungarumlaut oehungarumlaut oslashdotaccent oogonekdotaccent oslashdotbelow oodieresis oslashmacronacute oslashbreve avogonek adotaccentacute odotaccentacute oogonekdotaccentacute oslashdotaccentacute c_k c_t g_g g_d g_eth g_o a_f a_g a_l a_n a_p a_r a_Rsmallcap a_thorn o_c aaacute aoacute auacute avacute ooacute aahungarumlaut oohungarumlaut aadotaccent aydotaccent aadotbelow aodotbelow audotbelow avdotbelow aydotbelow oodotbelow aadieresis c_h
126 t z tcedilla tcaron zacute zdotaccent zcaron tdotaccent tdotbelow zdotbelow zvisigoth etfin tum tacute togonek t_r t_t t_y t_z
64 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron sdotaccent sdotbelow um s_t
353 i j igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis imacron ibreve iogonek dotlessi ij jcircumflex dotlessj ihookabove idotbelow imacronacute imacronbreve ihungarumlaut ibreveinvertedbelow iecmb ivcmb jdotbelow jacute jmacron jhungarumlaut iacmb iocmb iucmb jecmb jdieresis idotaccentacute dotlessiogonek dotlessidotbelow dotlessibreveinvertedbelow dotlessjdotbelow
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Bold.sfdir/gbreve.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: gbreve
Encoding: 287 287 969
Width: 400
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 265 728 N 1 0 0 1 25 0 2
Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" g brevecmb
Colour: ffff
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Gbreve.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Gbreve
Encoding: 286 286 968
Width: 600
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 265 728 S 1 0 0 1 200 200 2
Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" G brevecmb
Colour: ffff
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Vend.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
StartChar: Vend
Encoding: 42856 42856 971
Width: 560
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 320 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
200 0 m 1
480 280 l 1
480 560 l 1
440 600 l 1025
300 600 m 1
260 560 l 1
260 -150 l 1
220 -200 l 1
220 -200 198.400390625 -150 120 -150 c 3
64.7998046875 -150 40 -200 40 -200 c 1033
40 550 m 1
40 550 67.2001953125 600 99.2001953125 600 c 3
128 600 142.400390625 575 160 575 c 3
182.400390625 575 200 600 200.799804688 600 c 1025
Layer: 2
160 550 m 5
160 -125 l 1029
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Vendacute.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Vendacute
Encoding: 60346 60346 974
Width: 560
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 99 180 N 1 0 0 1 160 200 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend acutecmb
Colour: ffff
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Venddotaccent.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
StartChar: Venddotaccent
Encoding: 58343 58343 973
Width: 560
Flags: W
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 269 729 N 1 0 0 1 160 200 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend dotaccentcmb
Colour: ffff
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Venddotbelow.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
StartChar: Venddotbelow
Encoding: 58342 58342 972
Width: 560
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 320 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
Refer: 357 803 N 1 0 0 1 520 0 2
Refer: 971 42856 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Ligature2: "Glyph composition-1" Vend dotbelowcmb
Colour: ffff
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions TexturaLibera-Condensed.sfdir/_Wynn.glyph
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
StartChar: Wynn
Encoding: 503 503 970
Width: 560
Flags: W
AnchorPoint: "abvmark" 320 700 basechar 0
LayerCount: 4
200 0 m 1
480 280 l 1
480 475 l 1
300 600 l 1
260 560 l 1
260 -160 l 1
220 -200 l 1
220 -200 198 -150 120 -150 c 3
65 -150 40 -200 40 -200 c 1033
40 550 m 1
40 550 67 600 99 600 c 3
128 600 142 575 160 575 c 3
182 575 200 600 201 600 c 1025
Layer: 2
200 550 m 1
200 -125 l 1029

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