Tools for converting address data for import into OpenStreetMap
Currently this is specific to address data from the state of Virginia and Colorado.
For VIrgina, the basic workflow is:
- Split the addresses for the county of interest from the main file from the state of Virginia with
- Prepare the resulting county file by changing the fields to appropriate OSM tags with
- QC file with
For Colorado, the basic workflow is:
- Download the latest addresses in File Geodatabase format from the State of Colorado.
- Use Overpass to download the current addresses for the city you are interested in from OSM
- Convert the addresses from the schema used by the State of Colorado to the OSM "schema" with
- Split the results of the above into separate files for each street
- Create a Maproulette cooperative challenge with the MR command line interface
These programs make use of PyYAML and therefore it must be installed:
$ pip install PyYAML
All settings are now in the configuration file addr_prep.conf (written in YAML), therefore it is no longer necessary to edit the actual python code.
$ python <input file> <county to extract>
The result is a new file:
<county name>_raw.csv
This file has the same structure as the input file, with the exception that latitude and longitude columns have been added. This allows the file to be loaded into JOSM for easy comparison with the converted file produced by
$ python <input file>
This file is a .csv file, but the field names are OSM tags, e.g. addr:street
$ python <prep addr file>
Currently this just prints a summary of the contents of some of the tags in the input file to stdout. This makes it easier to review the address file.
usage: co_addr_prep [-h] [--city CITY] [--existing EXISTING]
input_fgdb_and_layer output_file
Prepares Colorado addresses for import to OSM.
positional arguments:
input_fgdb_and_layer file geodatabase containing address info, including
the layer e.g. /path/to/fgdb/layer
output_file output file to which to write the results in .osm
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--city CITY only writes addresses with the indicated city to the
--existing EXISTING file of existing OSM addresses which are not to be
placed in the output file.